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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (4): 592-604.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2023.04.010

• Mining Technology and Mine Management • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Preliminary Study on Static and Dynamic Stability of Canister for High-level Radioactive Nuclear Waste Disposal Based on Discrete Element Method

Yanan ZHAO1(),Yihang ZHAO1,Zhongming JIANG2(),Hongmin ZHAO1   

  1. 1.Zhongnan Engineering Co. , Ltd. , Power China, Changsha 410019, Hunan, China
    2.School of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410114, Hunan, China
  • Received:2022-12-17 Revised:2023-04-06 Online:2023-08-30 Published:2023-09-20
  • Contact: Zhongming JIANG;


Canister for high-level radioactive waste is a core part in nuclear waste disposal barrier,and its static and dynamic stability during transportation,installation,and deep buried operation is of great importance.A silicon carbide(SiC) material based canister was proposed in this paper.The material has remarkable chemical stability,but its brittleness may be the key to restrict it application.In oder to investigate the static and dynamic stability of this canister,series of numerical simulations were performed using discrete element method,considering the physical nature of rock blocks and characteristics of interactions between rock and canister.The tensile strength characteristics of SiC was first investigated via specially designed lab and numerical tests.Comparison with analytical results has proved the reliability of adopted numerical method.The influence of disposal depth and horizontal to vertical stress ratio was then investigated.The dynamic loading behaviour pattern and basic failure mode of canister under free fall and rock impact were investigated,and the influence of rock fragmentation was mainly considered.The results show that the silicon carbide material is relatively brittle,with tested tensile strength between 150 MPa and 200 MPa,compared to its very high compressive strength.The tensile strength of silicon carbide was chosen 150 MPa for safety reason in later analysis.However,this value of 150 MPa is higher than the tensile or even compressive strength of ordinary rocks.The canister can survive under 1 200 m depth,horizontal to vertical stress ratio of 3 with several disposal inclination angles.Under free fall,the maximum tensile stress in canister is determined by falling height and inclination angle.Upon rock fall without rock splitting,the maximum tensile stress in canister is determined by rock weight and contact type between rock and canister.Inclusion of rock splitting in model calculation can produce stress much lower than by traditional continuum method.The tip of the rock will crack first once the rock is hitting the canister,leaving the canister safe in the first place,which is different from that in continuum analysis.This implies the energy dissipation between rock blocks due to fracturing of rock during rock impact is not negligible.As the cohesion and residual friction angle between rock blocks increase,the stress induced in canister also increases,while the tension makes limited contribution to elevated stress.Another interesting finding is that as the rock block volume ratio gets smaller,the stress induced by impacting rock decreases first but then keeps to a constant value once certain threshold is reached.This suggests by reaching certain rock block volume ratio may be enough to reproduce dynamic impact-induced cracking,instead of decreasing rock block size constantly.Although local failure is expected under dynamic impact,a soft buffer layer with certain thickness outside the canister can guarantee static and dynamic stability of SiC canister together with appropriate emplacement.

Key words: rock mechanics, nuclear waste disposal, discrete element method(DEM), geological disposal, numerical simulation, canister-rock interaction

CLC Number: 

  • TU9

Table 1

Chemical properties of SiC(Lay,1983)"

惰性气体,还原氛围2 320 °C以下稳定
氧化氛围1 000 °C 以上形成二氧化硅层,1 650 °C以下稳定
氢气1 430 °C以下稳定,1 430 °C 以上重侵蚀
水蒸气1 150 °C以下稳定,1 150 °C 以上少量反应
浓磷酸230 °C以上出现侵蚀
熔融氢氧化钠和氢氧化钾500 °C以上重侵蚀
熔融碳酸钠900 °C以上重侵蚀


Compression test of SiC hollow cylinder"

Table 2

Model parameters of SiC"

内摩擦角φ/(°)40剪胀角f/ (°)0


Analytical and numerical solutions for failure load(R=2.5 cm,Ts=150 MPa)"


Sketch of cross section for canister"

Table 3

Geometry parameters of canister(mm)"

固化核废料/V储罐4501 3505001 4002525

Table 4

Basic parameters of materials calculation by numerical simulations"

材料密度/ (kg·m-3弹性模量E/GPa泊松比μ
碳化硅3 1004150.150
防护层2 0001.3500.270
基座2 500700.210
岩石2 500470.300

Table 5

Contact parameters between rock blocks calculation by numerical simulations"




切向接触刚度 /(TPa·m-1接触间黏 聚力/MPa接触抗拉 强度/MPa接触内摩 擦角/(°)残余接触黏 聚力/MPa残余接触抗拉 强度/MPa残余接触内摩 擦角/(°)

Table 6

Combination of different ground stress and ground stress ratios"



Maximum tensile stress in canister under different inclination angle and ground stress conditions"


Stress distribution of canister"


Multi-barrier system and influence of buffer layer on the maximum tensile stress10 MPa);4-(20 MPa,20 MPa,10 MPa);5-(30 MPa,20 MPa,10 MPa);6-(30 MPa,30 MPa,10 MPa)"


Schematic diagram of free fall"


Maximum tensile stress inside canister under different falling height and inclination angle conditions"


Cross section of V canister"


Maximum tensile stress of canister under different impact conditions and rock mass weights"


Stress-strain curves of uniaxial compressive strength simulated by discrete element method and corresponding rock failure image"


Influence of contact parameters between rock blocks on uniaxial compressive strength"


Impact failure of rock"


Influence of contact parameters between rock blocks on the maximum tensile stress"


Relationship between volume ratio of rock block and the maximum tensile stress of impact"

Table 7

Deformation of buffer layer and the maximum tensile stress of canister"

D=20 mm,E=800 MPaD=20 mm,E=80 MPaD=80 mm,E=100 MPa
84.85 mm/129.3 MPa11.67 mm/70.7 MPa-
40--17.15 mm/70.6 MPa
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