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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2020, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (3): 317-327.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.03.168

• Mineral Exploration and Resource Evaluation •     Next Articles

Prospecting Model and Metallogenic Prediction of Yandan-Yantang Gold Deposit in Leye County,Guangxi

Yunzhong QIN(),Haijun SONG   

  1. The No. 1 Geological Team of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Guilin 541199,Guangxi,China
  • Received:2019-10-14 Revised:2020-03-26 Online:2020-06-30 Published:2020-07-01


Yandan-Yantang gold deposit is located in Leye County,Guangxi,which is a large-scale carlin-type gold deposit,with a gold resource of more than 20 tons,newly discovered in Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi “Golden Triangle” area,China.The deposit is located in the northwest of Lingyun-Leye isolated carbonate platform,Guangxi.The host rock is calcareous sandstone with mudstone of Baifeng Formation of Middle Triassic.The orebodies are mainly controlled by anticlines and faults.The orebodies mainly occurs as vein type one in fault fracture zone,and a small amount are stratabound orebodies.The largest orebody is located in the core of the anticline and controlled by F1 fault,inclining northward,with a dip angle of 30°~60°,a width of 1.0~38.8 m,a length of nearly 2.5 km,a depth of 50~400 m,and Au grade of 0.50×10-6~7.00×10-6 in general,and the average grade is 2.0×10-6.The main mineralization and alteration are silicification,kaolinization,pyritization,arsenopyrite mineralization and stibium mineralization.The gold bearing minerals are arsenian pyrites and arsenopyrites.It has a typical combination of low temperature elements such as Au-As-Sb-Hg.Generally,it has typical carlin-type gold deposit characteristics.The results of soil and rock geochemical survey show that the Au and As elements in the ore-bearing fracture zone have good coincidence,they are all located in the core of anticline and distributed along the striking of F1 fault.However,only As anomaly appears in the east of the fault,which is consistent with the feature that As is the front halo of orebody in carlin-type gold deposit,suggesting that the orebody may lie to the east.The geophysical data of TDIP and CSAMT show that the gold orebody has the characteristics of low resistivity and high intensification rate.The high intensification anomaly of TDIP lies to the east,which also shows that the gold orebody tends to extend to the east.Based on the geological characteristics and geophysical and geochemical anomalies,it is considered that the F1 reverse fault in the core of anticline is the main ore-controlling fault,and the orebody has the trend of lying to the east,suggesting that the deep part of the mining area has good ore prospecting potential.

Key words: carlin-type gold deposit, geophysical exploration, geochemical exploration, prospecting model, metallogenic prediction, Yandan-Yantang gold deposit, Guangxi

CLC Number: 

  • P618.51
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