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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (1): 46-52.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2015.01.046

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Geochemistry Characteristics and Metallogenic Prognosis of the Volcanic Rocks from Manitu Formation of Bowule Mountain Area in  Da Hinggan Mountain

ZHENG Jilin,ZHANG Wenqiang,XU Liming,LIU Yu,LU Yurun,HUANG Jimin   

  1. No.3 Gold Geological Party of CAPF,Harbin   150086,Heilongjiang,China
  • Received:2014-10-13 Revised:2014-11-25 Online:2015-02-28 Published:2015-04-07


The SiO2 average mass fraction of volcanic rock of Manitu For mation at Bowule Mountain of the  Da Hinggan Mountain was around 59.93% belonging to intermediate rock with peraluminous and alkali-rich.Whilst,it was found that the volcanic rock exhibited the characteristics of high calcium alkaline potassium and calcium neutral alkaline volcanic rocks series.The content of rare earth elements was higher (∑REE=(144.06~212.88)×10-6),and light and heavy rare earth fractionation was remarkable with fractionation factor (La/Yb) N ranging from 10.49 to 13.47.Moreover,enrichment of large ion lithophile elements was K,La,Ce,Rb, Ba,LREE,and loss of high field strength elements was Ta,Nb and Ti.Generally,the volcanic rock sample primarily came from the mantle source region controlled by subduction fluid,and the volcanic activity was related to the Paleo-Asian Ocean or Mongolia-Okhotsk oceanic subduction.In the study region,characters of geology,geophysics,geochemistry as well as remote sensing were significant anomaly,therefore,two mineralization favorable location were predicted after comprehensive investigation,and the target region had the potential of magmatic hydrothermal type polymetallic deposit.

Key words: geochemical characteristics, metallogenic prognosis, magmatic source, Manitu Formation, Da Hinggan Mountain

CLC Number: 

  • P59

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