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Adv. Search
Current Issue
2001,Vol.9,1 Date of publication:28 February 2001 Previous Issue Next Issue

Classif ication of primary gold ore deposit and discussion of some probloms on forming glod ore deposit in QinLing area,Shaanxi

HU Xi-shun,LI Ling jun

Abstract ( 1736) ( 1) PDF (345 KB)( 1370 )

Relationship between vein rock and disseminated gold deposits in the east of Liming's auriferous belt


Abstract ( 1644) ( 0) PDF (270 KB)( 798 )

Current status of studies on bacterial oxidation and pre-disposal of refractory gold ores

WANG Kanglin,WANG Mohui,JIANG Jinglong

Abstract ( 1721) ( 0) PDF (270 KB)( 1218 )

The component of gold mineral and selectivity of the Hexi Gold Mine

WANG Laijun,LIU Yunjie

Abstract ( 1635) ( 0) PDF (284 KB)( 969 )

The model of management of ore loss and ore dilution of Hexi Gold Mine and it's results'analysis

SUN Liangzhu,ZHANG Yangshun,WANG Laijun

Abstract ( 1369) ( 0) PDF (159 KB)( 789 )

Approach to question of immersion absorption in Gold Mine

AI Manqian

Abstract ( 1247) ( 1) PDF (203 KB)( 867 )

New floatation process of Xiadian Gold Mine

WANG Peifu,LI Jinyou,CUI Xueqi,YUAN Xuehui,CHEN Xiangqun

Abstract ( 1517) ( 0) PDF (141 KB)( 889 )

Outdoors gold rapid analysis

LI Yong

Abstract ( 1416) ( 0) PDF (93 KB)( 1149 )