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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (6): 82-84.

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Error Analysis and Scheme Selection on Holing-through Survey in Jinchiling Gold Mine,Shandong Province

SUI Hongjie1,ZHANG Yipeng1,YANG Jinsheng2   

  1. 1.Jinchiling Gold Mine,Zhaojin Mining Co.,Ltd.,Zhaoyuan   265400,Shandong,China;
    2.Department of Investment Development,Zhaojin Mining Co.,Ltd.,Yantai   264000,Shandong,China
  • Received:2012-05-03 Revised:2012-09-01 Online:2012-12-28 Published:2013-06-21


Estimating the error of holing-through survey is an important step of holing-through project.In this paper,according to the reality of Jinchiling gold mine,by combining experience with process of the holing-through project,we select an optimum programme to the holing-through survey.Using error theory and analyzing on the error sources and factors,combining the errors which were from traverse,connection survey and gyro measure.Estimated the probable dimension of error deviation in horizontal and vertical direction.On the premise of assuring the accuracy,reduced as costs as we can in the programme.The programme provided,suitable instruction for the holing-through project,and accumulated a huge mass of data and valuable experience for later survey.

Key words: Holing-through survey, Error analysis, Roadway project, Jinchiling gold mine, Shandong Province

CLC Number: 

  • TD175

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