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J4 ›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5): 37-40.

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Time-space Distribute Regulation and Prospecting Significance of M anzhanggang Super Unit

LU Yaozu   

  1. Qinghai Nuclear Industrial Geology Bureau,Xining 8 1 0008,Qinghai,China
  • Received:2008-03-19 Revised:2008-04-10 Online:2008-10-27 Published:2011-07-06


Based on each unit’s geological features,rock characteristics of Manzhanggang super unit,this paper de‘scribed each unit’s lithologic features,emplacement of the body,and deputy mineral composition,useful metal ele‘ment,rock alteration features of each invasive unit.W e summed up the overall features of Manzhanggang super unit,and proposed the geological prospecting significance of this super unit.

Key words: Manzhanggang, Super unit, Time—space distribute regulation, Significance

CLC Number: 

  • P617

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