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J4 ›› 2008, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5): 33-36.

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A Preliminary Analysis on Geological Feature and M etallogenic Condition of the Lead—zinc Deposit at Zhongnangou,Qinghai

DU Zhanmei,DONG Xiangping,GUAN Bo,LEI Yanli   

  1. 7th of Qinghai Non-ferrous metals Geological Exploration Bureau,Xining 810007,Qinghai,China
  • Received:2008-04-30 Revised:2008-06-16 Online:2008-10-27 Published:2011-07-06


This Paper discusses the geological background of Lead—zinc deposit at Zhongnangou,and summarizes the basic geological features of this deposit.The ore—bearing strata of the deposit is Upper Ordovician volcanic—sedimentary rocks.The ore body that occurred in tuff and limestone is stratiform。NNW deep fault provided a good geological condition for the formation of lead.zinc.This paper explores the gological conditions of mineralization at the same time,and it is helpful to the geological prospecting and exploration of this area.

Key words: Lead.zinc deposit, Geological features, Metallogenic condition, Zhongnangou in qinghai province

CLC Number: 

  • P618.4


[1] LI Baoping,CHEN Yuhua,ZHOU Xiaozhong,LIU Jianhua,ZHAO Chenglong,YAN Jie,et al.. The Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Gemalong Lead-zinc Mine, Qinghai Province [J]. J4, 2011, 19(3): 9-13.
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