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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2019, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 835-843.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.06.835

• Mining Technology and Mine Management • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Priority Evaluation of Green Mining Technology in Sanshandao Gold Mine Based on Grey Correlation Analysis

Guoyan ZHAO1(),Pan WU1(),Xingfu ZHU2,Yuan ZHAO1,Yang LI1,Ju QIU1   

  1. 1. School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,Hunan,China
    2. Shandong Gold Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Jinan 250101,Shandong,China
  • Received:2019-06-03 Revised:2019-09-11 Online:2019-12-31 Published:2019-12-24
  • Contact: Pan WU;


The exploitation of mineral resources is accompanied by the destruction of ecological environment.For a long time,based on the idea of green mining industry,many scholars have conducted researches on green mine and green mining,therefore,a large number of technical materials and evaluation data are accumulated.In order to achieve the goal of high-efficiency,waste-free,harmless and ecological mining,Sanshandao gold mine has been continuously exploring and promoting green mining,and a series of green mining technologies have been innovated and excavated.However,there are no precedents and theoretical guidance in the early application of relevant technologies,and the investment problems of long cycle and high cost are faced,so it is particularly necessary to carry out the priority analysis of technology application.Based on the geological conditions of the mining area and the existing technological innovation achievements,the green mining technology system of Sanshandao gold mine was established,which is mainly composed of four key technologies and eight innovative technologies.On this basis,an optimized model of grey correlation analysis was put forward to evaluate and analyze green mining technology.Firstly,a hierarchical evaluation index system of green mining technology of target layer,criterion layer and index layer was constructed to systematically reflect the influence of various factors on green mining technology,and eight innovative technologies of Sanshandao gold mine were selected as evaluation objects.Then the combination weighting of AHP and entropy weight method was used to make up for the deficiency of subjective and objective weighting method,which makes the process of weighting tends to be reasonable.Finally the green degree of Sanshandao green mining technology was quantitatively analyzed by using the optimized model of three weighting methods and the traditional equal-weighting model,by comparing and analyzing the results of correlation degree of four models and ranking eight green mining technologies,the priority of green mining technologies of sanshandao gold mine was obtained.The results show that,among the evaluation indexes,the weight of personnel operation safety,mechanical and intelligent degree and the level of resource recovery and utilization is relatively large to green mining technologies.Among the technologies,the application of trackless intelligent equipment has the highest priority and contributes the most to the goal of green mining.This result indicates that the direction of technological innovation of Sanshandao gold mine should focus on realizing mechanical and intelligent mining.This result is helpful in guiding the work of decision-making department,realizing the ordering of green mining and reduce the cost of investmentt in Sanshandao gold mine.

Key words: green mining, priority, hierarchical index system, AHP method, entropy value method, combination weighting, grey correlation degree

CLC Number: 

  • TD802


Green mining technology system of Sanshandao gold mine"

Table 1

Technical index system of green mining"


Table 2

Grading assessment of evaluation indexes"


Table 3

Evaluation index data assessment of green mining technology"


Table 4

Weights obtained by different weighting methods"



Distribution diagram of index weight"

Table 5

Grey correlation degree of green mining technology and sequence"



Distribution diagram of gray correlation degree"

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