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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (5): 99-104.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2015.05.099

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Study on the Corrosion and Adhesion Behavior of Chloridizing Metallurgy Furnace

FU Guoyan1,2,DING Jian1,2,WEI Lianqi1,ZHANG Xiaomeng1,LIU Ya1,2,YE Shufeng1   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Multiphase Complex Systems,Institute of Process Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing    100190,China;
    2.University of Chinese Academy of  Sciences,Beijing    100049,China
  • Received:2015-07-10 Revised:2015-08-11 Online:2015-10-28 Published:2015-12-09


Furnace burden is chemically complex in the chloride metallurgy process.Complex components of furnace burden can corrode or adhere to refractory material,which reduces the working life of refractory material and then has a strong impact on the industrialization of chloridizing-roasting gold-extracting process.Small chunks of four kinds of common firebrick were put in the furnace burden and roast.Through analyzing the phases of contact surface the high temperature surface corrosion properties caused by minerals containing CaCl2 were found.It suggests that firebricks which contain more Al2O3 are not adhesive to furnace burden,and they are chemical stable in that condition.Firebricks which contain more SiO2 will react with Ca at 1 200 ℃.The furnace burden clings to high Al2O3 content firebricks because iron oxides can be solid dissolved in Al2O3 and materials of low melting point are generated at 1 250 ℃.The content of Fe2O3 which is solid dissolved in Al2O3 increases with rising temperature.Iron enrichment of high Al2O3 content firebricks is more obvious at 1 300 ℃.

Key words: chloridizing metallurgy, refractory material, corrosion, adhesion

CLC Number: 

  • TF806
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