收稿日期: 2015-04-23
修回日期: 2015-06-04
网络出版日期: 2015-12-09
The Experimental Study on Cyanidation Leaching of a Gossan Type Gold-Silver Ores in Qinghai Province
Received date: 2015-04-23
Revised date: 2015-06-04
Online published: 2015-12-09
李俊萌 . 青海某铁帽型金银矿石氰化浸出试验研究[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2015 , 23(5) : 88 -93 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2015.05.088
In order to develop and utilize mineral resources in gossan type gold and silver ores,cyanide leaching was applied to study the gossan type gold and silver ores in Qinghai Province.We investigated the effect of grinding fineness,leaching time,pulp density,dosage of sodium cyanide,lime and lead acetate to leaching rate for gold and silver,finally the optimum leaching condition was determined.The results showed that grinding fineness of -0.074 mm accounted for 98.23%,pulp density around 33.33%,lime dosage of 10 kg/t,the dosage of sodium cyanide of 2.5 kg/t,lead acetate of 100 g/t,and under the leaching time of 24 h,the leaching rate of gold and silver was above 93% and 83%,respectively.The results provided technical support for the development and utilization of gossan type gold silver ores in Qinghai Province,and it is of great significance for the efficient development of the same kind of resource.
Key words: gossan type gold (silver) ores; oxidized ore; cyanide leaching; gold; silver
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