收稿日期: 2015-05-05
修回日期: 2015-07-23
网络出版日期: 2015-12-09
Relationship Between Dike and Gold Mineralization in Dailong Gold Mine,Sichuan Province
Received date: 2015-05-05
Revised date: 2015-07-23
Online published: 2015-12-09
何杰斌 . 四川代隆金矿岩脉与金成矿的关系[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2015 , 23(5) : 1 -5 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2015.05.001
Dailong gold deposit is a micro-disseminated gold deposit discovered in recent years and it is formed in Xinduqiao Group during the Triassic Period.There are two gold orebodies and many mineralization orebodies,ore rock of which is mainly granite porphyry.The time relationship,spatial relationship and genetic relationship between dike and ore deposit and also granite porphyry characteristics are discussed,and the results show that magmatic activity provides not only heat energy but also ore-forming materials and ore rock during the process of gold mineralization.Granite dike is an advantageous position which is an important symbol of prospecting in this area,it helps to improve the efficiency of prospecting and to expand mining area.
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