收稿日期: 2014-06-17
修回日期: 2014-07-10
网络出版日期: 2015-01-14
Characteristics of Primary Halo of Qiuling Ore Block in Jinlongshan Gold Belt,Shaanxi Province
Received date: 2014-06-17
Revised date: 2014-07-10
Online published: 2015-01-14
陕西金龙山金矿带是秦岭造山带内发现的大型微细浸染型金矿带,矿带自西向东分为古楼山、丘岭、腰俭和金龙山4个矿段。目前,围绕矿床原生晕地球化学研究涉及较少,很大程度上制约了矿区深部找矿与预测工作。通过对丘岭矿段118~94勘探线钻孔岩石系统采样分析和统计计算,利用相关分析和聚类分析方法,确定了金矿床的原生晕组合特征,结果表明:Au与As相关系数为0.776,密切共生,As、Sb和Hg共生较稳定,为金矿的前缘指示元素组合。利用不同勘探线和不同中段原生晕异常剖面投影图,研究了矿床原生晕的变化规律,结果表明:前缘元素As、Sb和Hg在700 m及1 000 m深度存在2个高背景,中部元素Pb和Zn在650 m及950 m深度异常强度最大,尾部元素Cu、Co和Ni在700~800 m深度异常规模最大,异常组合特征反映出在118~98线700 m标高以下可能存在有隐伏金矿体。
李强 , 高景刚 . 陕西金龙山金矿带丘岭矿段矿体原生晕特征[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2014 , 22(6) : 1 -6 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2014.06.001
inlongshan gold belt is a super large carlin-type disseminate gold deposit in Qinling Mountains.Ore belt are divided into the Guloushan,Qiuling,Yaojian and Jinlongshan four ore block from west to east.At present,the primary halo of ore deposit research degree is relatively low,which restricted the deep mine prospecting and forecasting.Based on systematical drilling sample collection of the 118 to 94 exploration line in Qiuling mines,using the correlation analysis and cluster analysis to determine the combination characteristics of gold primary halos.The correlation coefficient of Au and As element is 0.776,which are close paragenesis.The paragenetic relationship of As,Sb and Hg element is stable.It is front anomaly combination of the gold deposit.We research the change law of primary halos of orebodies by primary halo anomalies in different prospecting line and middle section.There are two high backgrounds in 1 000 m and 700 m of the front elements of As,Sb,Hg.The maximum of anomaly intensity of Pb and Zn are in depth of 950 m and 700 m.The largest anomaly scale of Cu,Co and Ni is at 800 m to 700 m depth.The anomaly combination characteristics show that there may have concealed orebody below 700 m between 118 to 70 exploration line.
Key words: carlin-type gold deposit; primary halo; Qiuling ore block; hidden orebody
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