Study on Principle and Method for Calculation of Earthwork Volume in the DIMINE Software
Received date: 2016-05-12
Revised date: 2016-07-20
Online published: 2017-09-11
Calculation of earthwork is one of the most important aspects of earth and rock engineering.In order to correctly use the methods to calculate earthwork and improve the accuracy of calculation,the basic principle of four different calculation methods in the DIMINE was studied.Combining with different engineering cases,the calculation results of the four methods were separately compared and analyzed by regarding the corresponding Boolean volume as the standard,and the error of each calculation method and the adaptability to data with different characteristics were discussed.The results show that there is different calculation accuracy for different method owing to the influence of the original data of landform characteristics,terrain change trend and slope variation.According to the basic principle of each calculation method and the error analysis of the experimental results,the corresponding suggestions were put forward aiming at the problems of application of the methods to calculate earthwork under the conditions of data with different characteristics,it provide reference to calculate earthwork with DIMINE correctly.
BI Lin , ZHAO Hui , YANG Xinfeng . Study on Principle and Method for Calculation of Earthwork Volume in the DIMINE Software[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2017 , 25(3) : 108 -115 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2017.03.108
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