最终境界对露天矿开采效益至关重要,而求解速度慢且结果不准确是最大流最小割算法在露天矿境界优化中的一个固有缺陷。对已有最大流最小割算法进行改进,以净现值(NPV)最大为目标,首先以最大几何境界内的价值块构造有向网络图,通过聚合网络图节点减少弧的复杂度,并在残留网络中对负价值节点增加开采约束,以保证得到的最小割集中正价值块受到负价值块的约束,最终通过C++编程实现该算法对露天矿进行境界优化。经实例验证,该方法科学可行,克服了原算法求解速度慢且结果不准确的弊端,且求解效率提高了近600 s,该算法具有理论上的优越性和实用性。
The ultimate boundary was very important to the benefit of open-pit mining,but the maximum flow minimum cut algorithm easily trapped into solved the problem more slowly,and its result was not accurate in open-pit mine boundary.The existing maximum flow minimum cut algorithm was improved,with the goal of maximizing net present value (NPV),first of all,the vector graph was created by the value blocks in maximize the geometric boundary,by aggregating the network graph nodes to reduce the complexity of the arc,and the negative value was constrained in the residual network nodes to ensure the positive value of the minimum cut set was constrained by the negative value,the algorithm was achieved by C+ + programming in boundary optimization of open-pit mining.The example validation shows that the method is scientific and feasible,it overcomes the drawback that the original algorithm is slow and inaccurate,and the solution efficiency is improved by nearly 600 s,the algorithm has theoretical superiority and practicability.
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