收稿日期: 2017-06-29
修回日期: 2017-08-07
网络出版日期: 2018-02-12
Study on the Treatment of Cyanide Wastewater by Three-dimensional Electrode
Received date: 2017-06-29
Revised date: 2017-08-07
Online published: 2018-02-12
三维电极体系是一种非常有效的废水处理方法,相比于二维电极,其传质效率高、能耗低、设备简单易操作且处理效果好。本研究以活性炭为粒子电极,采用三维电极体系处理氰化废水,重点研究了外加电压、处理时间、粒子投加量和粒子粒径对离子去除率的影响。研究结果表明:当电压为4 V、极距为10 mm、时间为4 h、粒子投加量为2 g和粒子粒径为1 mm时,处理过程以电沉积为主,溶液中CNT、Cu2+、Zn2+、CN-和SCN-的去除率分别为93.94%、95.22%、97.23%、99.38%和94.93%。外加电压的变化会导致离子去除方式的转变,当电压为2 V时,以电吸附为主;而电压达到3 V以上时,以电沉积为主,Cu2+和Zn2+在阴极和粒子电极表面析出,而CN-和SCN-在阳极被氧化分解。
宋永辉 , 姚迪 , 张珊 , 田宇红 , 兰新哲 . 三维电极处理氰化废水的研究[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2017 , 25(5) : 116 -121 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2017.05.116
Compared with two-dimensional electrode,three-dimensional electrode system is a very effective wastewater treatment method.It has high efficiency mass transfer,low energy consumption,easily operate equipment and good treatment effect.Activated carbon as the particle electrode,cyanide wastewater was treated by three-dimensional electrode and the effects of applied voltage,treatment time,dosage of the particles and the particle size on ion removal rate were mainly studied in this paper.The results show that the treatment process is mainly electro-deposition and the removal rates of CNT,Cu2+,Zn2+,CN- and SCN- were 93.94%,95.22%,97.23%,99.38% and 94.93% respectively,at a applied voltage of 4 V,pole distance of 10 mm,time of 4 h,particle dosage of 2 g and particle size of 1 mm.The changes in applied voltage lead to the changes in ions removal mode.When the voltage is 2 V,the reaction mechanism of three-dimensional electrodes mainly involves electro-adsorption.Electrolytic deposition plays an important role when the voltage is increased to 3 V or more.Cu2+ and Zn2+ are reduced on the cathode and particle electrode surface,while CN- and SCN- are oxidized and decomposed on the anode.
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