



  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • 创刊于1988年


  • 刘国栋 ,
  • 温桂军 ,
  • 刘彩杰 ,
  • 鲍中义* ,
  • 孙忠全 ,
  • 范家盟 ,
  • 李山 ,
  • 闫春明 ,
  • 郭志峰
  • 山东省第六地质矿产勘查院,山东  招远  265400

收稿日期: 2017-03-03

  修回日期: 2017-04-23

  网络出版日期: 2017-09-11



Discovery,Characteristics and Prospecting Direction of Shuiwangzhuang Deep Super-large Gold Deposit in the Northern Section of Zhaoping Fault

  • LIU Guodong ,
  • WEN Guijun ,
  • LIU Caijie ,
  • BAO Zhongyi ,
  • SUN Zhongquan ,
  • FAN Jiameng ,
  • LI Shan ,
  • YAN Chunming ,
  • GUO Zhifeng
  • 6th Geology & Mineral Resources Survey Institute,Shandong,Zhaoyuan    265400,Shandong,China

Received date: 2017-03-03

  Revised date: 2017-04-23

  Online published: 2017-09-11


水旺庄矿区位于玲珑金矿田外围,深部找矿难度非常大。在深入分析断裂深部成矿规律的基础上,提出了“胶西北三大断裂赋矿深度对称、矿体规模对称—对称成矿”的新认识,在曾被国外专家放弃勘查的水旺庄矿区发现并探获金金属量达170 t的深部超大型金矿床,将招平断裂勘查深度延伸至标高-2 173 m。金矿体分别赋存于破头青断裂和九曲断裂中,尤其是赋存于九曲断裂中的2号主矿体规模最大,单矿体金金属量超过120 t。水旺庄矿区深部找矿成果揭示,九曲断裂为招平断裂北段主干断裂,该断裂(208号脉)沿走向向北东1 800~5 000 m范围是深部找矿的优质靶区,招平断裂深部找矿潜力巨大。


刘国栋 , 温桂军 , 刘彩杰 , 鲍中义* , 孙忠全 , 范家盟 , 李山 , 闫春明 , 郭志峰 . 招平断裂北段水旺庄深部超大型金矿床的发现、特征和找矿方向[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2017 , 25(3) : 38 -45 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2017.03.038


Shuiwangzhuang mining area is located in the peripheral area of the Linglong gold orefield,and the deep ore prospecting of the area is very difficult.Based on the in-depth analysis of deep metallogenic regularity of fault,this paper presents a new understanding named symmetric mineralization that the ore bearing depth and orebody scale of the three main faults in northwestern Jiaodong Peninsula are symmetrical,finds Shuiwangzhuang deep-seated super-large gold deposit where had been abandoned by foreign experts and is seized gold metal amounts to 170 t,so the depth of the exploration of the fault extends to the elevation of -2 173 m.Gold orebodies are hosted in Potouqing fault and Jiuqu fault,especially the No.2 main orebody in Jiuqu fault is the largest one,which gold metal amounts of single ore exceeds 120 t.The deep prospecting results reveal that Jiuqu fault is the main fault in the northern Zhaoping fault,the range of 1 800 m to 5 000 m along the strike of the fault (No.208) to the east of the north is high quality target area for deep ore prospection,so there is a great potential for prospecting in the deep part of Zhaoping fault.


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