收稿日期: 2014-12-10
修回日期: 2015-02-03
网络出版日期: 2015-11-16
Adsorption of Hydrogen Cyanide by the Barren Liquor in a Gold Refinery
Received date: 2014-12-10
Revised date: 2015-02-03
Online published: 2015-11-16
卞小冬 , 宋广君 , 李晓 , 宋沛 . 某黄金精炼厂贫液吸附HCN试验研究[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2015 , 23(3) : 89 -92 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2015.03.089
A gold refinery in Shandong used acidification HCN to treat wastewater containing cyanide.And then the plant used NaOH solution to adsorb produced during acidification,which not only took high cost and large amount of labor for workers,but also increasing Na+ in the system,then increasing the risk of clogging the pipeline by Na2SO4 in winter.To solve the problems above,this paper focuses on using lime solution to adsorb HCN,replacing NaOH solution.Tests in laboratory mainly explored the adsorption capacity of different concentrations lime to absorb hydrogen cyanide and the amount of barren liquor in the tests.Laboratory tests verify the feasibility of lime solution to adsorb HCN.
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