收稿日期: 2013-07-26
修回日期: 2013-11-25
网络出版日期: 2014-06-25
Construction of TLS-based False Color Three-dimensional Digital Mine Model
Received date: 2013-07-26
Revised date: 2013-11-25
Online published: 2014-06-25
为了获取数字矿山假彩色三维模型,以山东某露天矿山为例,将数据经过点云预处理之后进行传统的三维建模,然后对传统三维模型上的点云数据赋予假彩色信息,重新建模,最后形成整个矿区和矿区最大建筑物的假彩色三维模型,并将模型应用在矿山储量计算实践。采用TLS获取点云数据、IDL编程处理点云数据以及Geomagic软件建模方法,所获取的假彩色三维模型可以很好地指导实际生产。本方法从获取点云数据到最终构建模型经时5 d,最终构建的2 m分辨率假彩色三维模型效果明显优于传统数字化地形图(1个月工作量),充分论证了通过三维扫描构建矿山三维模型的方式可以大大减少计算工作量和工作时间,能够获得更加逼真的三维模型。
梁晓鹏 , 杨长滨 , 寇虎强 , 杨力纲 , 李伟国 , 朱会凯 . 基于TLS的数字矿山假彩色三维模型构建[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2014 , 22(1) : 64 -68 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2518.2014.01.064
In order to obtain false color digital mine model construction taking an open pit mine in Shandong as the case,by making the point cloud pre-processing,the traditional three-dimensional modeling,and then giving false color information via traditional point cloud data on the three-dimensional model,re-modeling,and finally formed the entire mining and false color three-dimensional model of the building’s largest mining.The model also be used to conduct a detailed application aspects of the practice of calculating mine reserves.The point transport data generated by TLS,point cloud data generated by IDL programming process,using geomagic software modeling methods,the false-color three-dimensional model was construct which can finally get a good guide to the actual production.Get the point cloud data from research to final spending five days to build the model,false color three-dimensional model of the ultimate resolution of two meters to build a traditional digital topographic maps a month workload can not be achieved,fully demonstrated by constructing a three-dimensional scanning mine the way the model can greatly reduce the computational workload and working hours,and more realistic.
Key words: TLS; scan data; point cloud pretreatment; false color; three-dimensional model
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