土壤地球化学测量在智利Iquique HN矿区的应用效果
收稿日期: 2013-10-22
修回日期: 2013-12-19
网络出版日期: 2014-06-25
The Application Effect of Soil Geochemical Survey in the Iquique HN Mining Area of Chile
Received date: 2013-10-22
Revised date: 2013-12-19
Online published: 2014-06-25
土壤地球化学测量方法能够达到明确找矿目标、缩小找矿范围及确定找矿靶区的目的。通过在Iquique HN矿区开展土壤地球化学测量工作,共发现9处综合异常,其中,以铜为主的异常有4处,以金为主的异常有3处,以锌和钼为主的异常各有1处。矿区内主要异常受F1断裂控制,金异常主要位于铜(钼)异常外围,呈“卫星式”分布,整体具有类似于斑岩型铜矿的水平分带特征,异常水平分带由内向外依次为Cu(Mo)-Au-(Zn-Pb-Ag)。经异常查证显示,该区具有找到脉状和斑岩型铜矿的巨大潜力,部分异常区金异常强度高,说明也可能存在金矿床,因此不能忽视金的评价。
关键词: 土壤地球化学测量; 异常查证; Iquique HN矿区; 智利
王晓辉 , 王英超 , 龙康华 , 刘环 , 郭继霜 . 土壤地球化学测量在智利Iquique HN矿区的应用效果[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2014 , 22(1) : 47 -51 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2518.2014.01.047
The method of soil geochemical survey can achieve clear prospecting,narrow the scope of prospecting,and determine the target area of prospecting.Through the soil geochemical survey in Iquique HN mining area,we finally found 9 integrated anomaly areas, including 4 anomaly areas mainly with copper,3 anomaly areas primarily with gold,2 anomaly areas mainly with zinc and molybdenum,respectively.The mining area within main abnormal was controlled by F1 fracture.Gold anomaly region with the distribution pattern of “satellite” was primarily located out of the copper(molybdenum) anomaly area. In addition, the mining area was similar to the horizontal zonal characteristics of porphyry copper deposits on the whole, and the abnormal horizontal zonal presented the order of Cu (Mo)-Au-(Zn-Pb-Ag) from inside to outside.Moreover,the anomalies showed that the area has the great potential of finding vein and porphyry copper deposits.Some of anomaly areas especially for gold anomaly region with high intensity exhibited that the gold deposit may exist, therefore,the evaluation of gold can’t be ignored during the work.
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