Multi-channel Transient Electromagnetic Method:A New Geophysical Method and Its Application in Exploring Metallic Ore Deposits
Received date: 2017-07-04
Revised date: 2017-11-02
Online published: 2018-05-19
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As a new electromagnetic exploration method,multi-channel transient electromagnetic method(M-TEM) distinguishes itself from the electromagnetic family by its high resolution and large detection depth.The peak times of cross correlation function between transmitting current and received voltage give a new pseudo cross-section profile of apparent resistivity,which can reflect underground geoeletric structure very well.The field survey and data processing of M-TEM was discussed.In addition,a single-line M-TEM survey was conducted in Baertaolegai-Fuxingmen silver-lead-zinc polymetallic ore investigation zone.In data acquisition,it is deployed that a 240 m or 480 m inline dipole galvanic current source and 180 inline potential receivers with length of 60 m along 10.8 km survey line.The resulting pseudo cross section of M-TEM apparent resistivity is consistent with the borehole result.It is considered that M-TEM has a great application potential in future metal mineral exploration.
ZHANG Wenwei , DI Qingyun , LEI Da , MA Fengshan . Multi-channel Transient Electromagnetic Method:A New Geophysical Method and Its Application in Exploring Metallic Ore Deposits[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2018 , 26(1) : 1 -8 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2018.01.001
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