

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
Adv. Search

Mineralization and Alteration Characteristics of Northern Shiquan-Hanyin Gold Belt in South Qinling

  • ZHANG Jian ,
  • YANG Xingke ,
  • CHAO Huixia ,
  • HE Hujun ,
  • HAN Ke ,
  • YANG Longwei ,
  • LI Bin
  • School of Earth Science and Resources,Chang’an University,Xi’an   710054,Shaanxi,China

Received date: 2017-07-10

  Revised date: 2017-09-16

  Online published: 2018-05-18


The spatial distribution range of mineralization zone is larger than that of gold orebody,and it’s easier to be identified and mapped.Therefore,the study of mineralization alteration zone plays an important role in the exploration practice of gold deposits.Based on the study of the northern Shiquan-Hanyin gold belt in south Qinling,the characteristics of mineralized and altered minerals related to gold mineralization was analyzed and classified,meanwhile,combined with Au element chemical analysis and electronic probe test results, the obvious prospecting criteria of the deposit was determined.The study shows that the main prospecting indicators related to gold mineralization are as follows:①limonites which are fine aggregate,small vein or in the shape of lenticular,always distribute crookedly along the crumpled schistosity plane;②pyrites which are filiform or like a wire forming subhedral or xenomorphic aggregate,distribute along schistosity plane and develop small gentle fold or small angular fold;③quartz veins which have color of smoky grey and are in shape of lenticular or small veins,have xenomorphic granular structure and wavy extinction under the microscope;④biotite phenocrysts and garnet phenocrysts.

Cite this article

ZHANG Jian , YANG Xingke , CHAO Huixia , HE Hujun , HAN Ke , YANG Longwei , LI Bin . Mineralization and Alteration Characteristics of Northern Shiquan-Hanyin Gold Belt in South Qinling[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2017 , 25(6) : 21 -30 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2017.06.021

