Metallogenic Mechanism and Prospecting Direction of Gold-Copper Poly-metallic Deposits in Weizigou Area,Liaoning Province
The gold-copper polymetallic ore in the Weizigou area is mainly controlled by diorite rock and it has own unique characteristics,such as high background values of gold, copper, lead, zinc, silver and molybdenum in the formation,and orebody controlled by thrust fault,and zoning of soil abnormalities of metal elements geochemical,which are main factors of gold and copper polymetallic orebody forming in the mining area.Based on the research of geological characteristics and many factors of the deposit by using the mantle branch structure theory,it is believed that Weizigou gold-copper polymetallic deposit belongs to fault-skarn type deposit.The formation of the NW-trending thrust is caused by the Jianping-Fuxin mantle branch structure, and NE-tending fault is the main secondary detachment zone of the mantle structure,which is the ore-bearing and ore-controlling structure more secondary detachment zone for the ore,ore structure.Through summarizing the relationship between mineralization and trapped water diorite,surrounding rock and northeast trending fault,this paper summarize the metallogenic regularity and discuss the prospecting direction of gold-copper polymetallic deposits in Weizigou area.
ZHANG Lei , TONG Yu , YANG Zhendong , BAI Yunlong , LIU Xing , ZHAO Yongtao . Metallogenic Mechanism and Prospecting Direction of Gold-Copper Poly-metallic Deposits in Weizigou Area,Liaoning Province[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2017 , 25(4) : 10 -17 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2017.04.010
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