

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
Adv. Search

Geological Characteristics,Geochemical Characteristics of Primary Halos and Their Prospecting Significance about San’guanmiao Gold Deposit in Shaanxi Province

  • WANG Chao ,
  • MEN Wenhui ,
  • WU Tao ,
  • ZHANG Xiaofu ,
  • LI Ying ,
  • HU Xishun
  • WANG Chao1,2,MEN Wenhui1,2,WU Tao1,2,ZHANG Xiaofu1,2,LI Ying1,2,HU Xishun1,2
    1.Xi’an Northwest Research Institute of Nonferrous Metals Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an    710054,Shaanxi,China;
    2.Shaanxi Engineering Technology Research Center of Comprehensive Utilization of Mineral Resources,Xi’an 710054,Shaanxi,China

Received date: 2016-07-28

  Revised date: 2016-10-15

  Online published: 2017-01-22


San’guanmiao gold deposit,obviously controlled by fault structure,is located in the thrust-nappe tectonic belt of the northern block of Southern Qinling,in the tectonic len between the Zhen’an-Banyanzhen fault and its south branch fault.The host strata of the deposit is the Yaolinghe Formation of the Qingbaikou System.With the exploration and research carried out on the gold deposit by the authoer since 2014,the scale of the deposit was expended,the prospecting direction was pointed out.In this paper,the geological characteristics of San’guanmiao gold deposit are systematically stated from six aspect:the ore body characteristics,the host strata and lithology,the relationships between tectonic activity and mineralization,the relationship between magmatism and mineralization,the ore characteristics,the occurrence of gold.The main gold-bearing minerals is arsenopyrite.The native gold mainly distributes between non-metallic minerals and arsenopyrite particles,between two non-metallic mineral particles,between two arsenopyrite particles.The mainly occurrence of the native gold is single gold.The native gold particles is flaky,granular,grain liked and dendritic.According to the research of the geochemical characteristics of primary halos,the characteristics and the law are summarized systematically.The front halo elements(As-Sb-Hg) with strong anomaly appear in the top part of ore body,indicating that the denudation of the ore bodies is shallow.The tail halo elements (Bi-Mo-Co-Ni) are weak,indicating that tail halo is not found in the existing prospecting work.In some area of Au1 and Au3 around 16th exploration line,the front halo is getting stronger in deeper part,indicating that the ore body has a certain extension to the depth.By comprehensine research and discussion,San’guanmiao gold deposit is classified as medium temperature magmatic hydrothermal type,the prospecting potential in deep is large.The Ⅰ and Ⅱprospecting target,the east of north mineralized alteration zone and the south mineralized alteration zone are considered as the future prospecting direction.

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WANG Chao , MEN Wenhui , WU Tao , ZHANG Xiaofu , LI Ying , HU Xishun . Geological Characteristics,Geochemical Characteristics of Primary Halos and Their Prospecting Significance about San’guanmiao Gold Deposit in Shaanxi Province[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2016 , 24(6) : 39 -48 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2016.06.039


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