Finite Element Combined with MATLAB Numerical Simulation’s Diffusion Migration Research of Uranium Mine Radon Nuclide
Received date: 2015-07-01
Revised date: 2015-12-09
Online published: 2016-12-27
Using the method of finite element combined with MATLAB software to establish mathematical model of nuclide migration of radon diffusion to visualize its diffusion.Conducted numerical calculation and two-dimensional numerical simulation on tunnel walls of uranium mine and mine radon concentration.In the numerical calculation,using finite element method combined with MATLAB programming got semi-infinite medium and infinity one-dimensional curves of radon concentration in the medium.In the two-dimensional simulations using MATLAB PDE TOOL kit translated semi in finite medium and infinity limited thick medium into concrete wall of roadway and room of radon concentration,got tunnel walls radon concentration of radon concentration and ore room specific image.The simulation results can find better solution for reducing the concentration of radon and radon daughter in mines and put forward corresponding radon protective measures to provide a good production environment for the staff in mine.The study has important practical significance for radon radiation protection and can be used as reference for uranium ore district of radiation protection.
CHEN Jianhong , DENG Dongsheng , TANG Haiqiong . Finite Element Combined with MATLAB Numerical Simulation’s Diffusion Migration Research of Uranium Mine Radon Nuclide[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2016 , 24(5) : 67 -72 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2016.05.067
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