

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
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Structural Characteristics and Ore-controlling Role of Phapon Gold Deposit in Luang Prabang,Laos

  • SHI Laohu ,
  • XUE Lanhua ,
  • DONG Guangfa ,
  • SHEN Liusheng
  • 1.Tianjin Huakan Mining Investment Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin   300171,China;
    2.Tianjin North China Geological Exploration General Institute,Tianjin   300171,China

Received date: 2015-07-03

  Revised date: 2016-01-10

  Online published: 2016-05-30


Phapon gold mine locates in the middle of the Luang Prabang island arc belt,which is the south part of Sanjiang ore cluster area in China.It is controlled by structures and the orebody occurs in the Carboniferous- Lower Permian marine carbonate strata.Rare metal mineral in the ore,and gangue mineral is given priority to with calcite,the deposit is a less sulfide type middle-low temperature hydrothermal deposit.Through field investigation,combining previous research results,we analyse and study the structure characteristics and ore-controlling role of the region and mining area.Researches show that the NW Luang Prabang arc fault controls regional structural framework,the secondary parallel F5 ductile-brittle shear belt controls the distribution of stratigraphic,mineralization and alteration and geochemical anomalies,the secondary syntropy F1 and F2 ductile-brittle shear belt controls the distribution of stratum and gold belt;the derived structure NNW tensional-shear faults controls the mineralization and  alteration belting,position and output of gold ore body.Intersections of mineralization structure is advantageous position.As an  important symbols,with stratum and mineralization and alteration,structure is used to guide peripheral ore prospecting.

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SHI Laohu , XUE Lanhua , DONG Guangfa , SHEN Liusheng . Structural Characteristics and Ore-controlling Role of Phapon Gold Deposit in Luang Prabang,Laos[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2016 , 24(2) : 21 -28 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2016.02.021


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