Leaching of Au from Micro-disseminated Gold Ore in Thiourea-Thiocyanate Solutions
Received date: 2015-06-21
Revised date: 2015-07-16
Online published: 2015-11-16
The analysis results of ore chemical composition at a certain micro-disseminated gold demonstrated that gold grade was 3.51×10-6,content of SiO2 was as high as 71.88%.In addition,the content of organic of carbon even reached up to 2.51%.After analyzing the XRD and phase of gold,it was found that the ore main minerals were primary composed with quartz,calcite and sulfide.According to the characters of the ore,when employing the thiourea or thiocyanate leaching directly,low leaching rate can be obtained.When employing the thiourea-thiocyanate leaching,better leaching rate can be obtained.Using factorial experimental,paid attention to the amount of thiocyanate,thiourea and ferric sulfate.The results showed that the amount of ferric sulfate and thiocyanate dosage interaction significantly.Then optimize the leaching time,pH,liquid-solid ratio.The test results showed that under the conditions that roasting temperature is 600 ℃ and roasting time is 60 min,the gold leading rate of 75.03% was achieved when pH is 1.06,the dosage of ferric sulfate,thiocyanate and thiourea are 14 kg/t,10 kg/t and 2 kg/t respectively,the leading time is 7 h,liquid-solid ratio is 3∶1.
Key words: micro-disseminated gold ore; thiourea; thiocyanate; leaching
TANG Lijing , TANG Yun , LI Jiaojiao , YANG Dianqi . Leaching of Au from Micro-disseminated Gold Ore in Thiourea-Thiocyanate Solutions[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2015 , 23(4) : 97 -101 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2015.04.097
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