Deep Penetrating Geochemistry Anomaly Verification and Prospecting Direction of the Jinwozi-210 Gold Mine Area in Xinjiang
Received date: 2014-03-27
Revised date: 2014-05-10
Online published: 2014-12-24
The Jinwozi-210 gold deposit is located in the Junggar block and Tarim plate on the part of the Hongliuhe rift trough in Xinjiang.The stratum are mainly exposed gold background values higher two Permian Zhesi Group carbonaceous,tuffaceous conglomerate,sandstone,phyllite with clastic sedimentary rocks shale mud system.The structure mainly developed to nearly NE,near SN,NW for the thrust nappe fault system and NE to a series of anticline,syncline extension,magmatic rocks are mainly the granodiorite and monzonite granite,they formed massive batholith and emplaced in Jinwozi anticline core.The deposit types are quartz vein type,which is composed of a plurality of thin veins,stockworks form an extended lens,lens shaped veins.The area was covered by the thick Quaternary,the conventional exploration methods can not work,use of the deep penetrating geochemical measurement for concealed orebody (mineralization) positioning is better,and the surface of the anomalies delineated with verified,deep see corresponding corrosion variants,quartz vein.The prospecting direction in the area to find the Jinwozi,210 gold ore occurrence Horst and gold south,south wing zero inclined tectonic location and deep concealed orebody and along the strike of 210 similar features,tendency of extending part.
TIAN Hongbiao , ZHAO Haibin , LIU Xuegang , MA Cheng , WANG Lixing . Deep Penetrating Geochemistry Anomaly Verification and Prospecting Direction of the Jinwozi-210 Gold Mine Area in Xinjiang[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2014 , 22(4) : 20 -26 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2014.04.020
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