Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Direction of the Chaobuleng Iron Polymetallic Deposit in Inner Mongolia
Received date: 2013-12-08
Revised date: 2014-02-24
Online published: 2014-08-26
Chaobuleng iron polymetallic deposit is located in the eastern part of Dongwuzhumuqinqi,Inner Mongolia,with the tectonic position situated at the southeastern margin of the Siberian plate,eastern magmatic belts of Chaganobo-Aoyoute-Chaobuleng,early Paleozoic tectonic.Ore stratum is dominated by middle Devonian sedimentary Taerbagete Group which closely related with iron polymetallic mineralization.At the contact position between Chaobuleng biotite granite and middle Devonian sedimentary,it shows the tendency to form iron-zinc and manganese skarn zone,in which iron-zinc body mainly as bedded,banded and lens-shaped distributed in skarn zone.Chaobuleng biotite granite iron provides not only original ore-forming minerals for polymetallic mineralization,but also ore-forming fluid and mineralization dynamic.Regional NE trending Chaganobo-Dongwuqi deep fault controls the rock mass and the output of polymetallic deposits in this area,and the Chaobuleng NE trending overturned anticline and reverse fault controls the output of polymetallic iron ore body.The mining area,as well as its external area,of the Devonian Taerbagete Group sedimentary rocks and the contact zone of multiple phases acidic magma intrusion and the densely-fractured wall rock belt are in the main areas looking for iron polymetallic ore.
WU Xingquan , WANG Zhihua , WANG Liang , CHANG Chunjiao , CONG Runxiang , ZHANG Huiyu . Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Direction of the Chaobuleng Iron Polymetallic Deposit in Inner Mongolia[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2014 , 22(2) : 31 -37 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2518.2014.02.031
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