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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (6): 41-45.

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Fractal Characteristics of Fractures and Its Geological Significance in Gudui-Longzi Region in Southern Tibet

DONG Fuquan   

  1. No.11 Gold Geological Party of CAPF,Ningxiang   410600,Hunan,China
  • Received:2012-07-05 Revised:2012-10-12 Online:2012-12-28 Published:2013-06-21


By means of ETM remote sensing image’s comprehensive interpretation of fractures in combination with the regional geological background of Gudui-Longzi region in southern Tibet,we made a quantitative investigation on base of the theory of fractal geometry.The results show that Gudui-Longzi region has a high fractal dimension value of fracture,which shows the complicated fracture and the intense tectonic movement.The fractal dimension value of fracture is lower in Mazhala gold-antimony deposit than in Gudui-Longzi region.The dimension value of fracture of nearly north-south and north-west trending fractures is greater than north-east trending fracture in Mazhala gold-antimony deposit.The result shows nearly north-south and north-west trending fracture plays an important ore-controlling role in Mazhala gold-antimony deposit.By studying fractal dimension value of fracture,we may decide relation of fracture and mineralizing in order to provide geological evidence to the next step of prospecting and exploration.

Key words: ETM remote sensing images, Fractal characteristics, Fracture, Mazhala gold-antimony deposit, Gudui-Longzi region in Tibet

CLC Number: 

  • P618.51

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