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Gold Science and Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 343-351.doi: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2022.03.070

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Recognition and Stability Analysis of Underground Tunnel Rock Mass Structural Plane Based on 3D Laser Scanning Point Cloud Data

Jielin LI1,2(),Dewei BAI1,Chengye YANG1,Wei ZHANG3,Xiaoping ZHANG4   

  1. 1.School of Resources and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, Hunan, China
    2.State Key Laboratory of Safety and Health for Metal Mine, Maanshan 243000, Anhui, China
    3.Yuxi Dahongshan Mining Co. , Ltd. , Yuxi 653100, Yunan, China
    4.Tianhe Daoyun (Beijing) Technology Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100176, China
  • Received:2021-06-05 Revised:2021-09-15 Online:2022-06-30 Published:2022-09-14


The surrounding rock of the underground tunnel is distributed with structural planes of different occurrences and sizes. The structural planes determine the deformation characteristics and stress-strain mode of the rock mass to a certain extent,which weaken the stability of the rock mass locally,which has a significant impact on the safety of the tunnel engineering. It is very necessary to carry out the engineering geological survey of the underground tunnel and the quantitative analysis of the rock mass structure. To get the structural plane information of the underground tunnel accurately and do stability analysis for the surrounding rock of the tunnel,a three-dimensional laser scanner was used to obtain the point cloud data of the surrounding rock structural plane in the 775 m level drift of the Dahongshan iron mine in Yunnan. A series of work such as correction,structure surface data extraction,point cloud splicing,filtering and thinning,etc.,carried out statistical analysis based on the processing results. According to this statistical result,the discrete element software 3DEC is used to establish the discrete structure network model and a coupling model of an underground tunnel,and numerical simulation of the instability probability of the tunnel under its own weight and blasting vibration is carried out. The results show that the 3D laser scanning technology can better obtain the rock mass discontinuities information of the drift,and the discrete block unit calculation software can further analyze the stability of the drift rock block. The self-stabilizing ability of the surrounding rock in the analyzed area is good,but the instability probability increases greatly under the influence of blasting vibration. The research result can provide theoretical guidance for the support design of the tunnel.

Key words: underground tunnel, 3D laser scanning technology, discontinuities network simulation, stability analysis, block instability

CLC Number: 

  • TD322.4


Working diagram of 3D laser scanning"


Discontinuities information extraction based on laser scanning data"

Table 1

Input parameters of the DFN model"



Diagram of Discrete Fracture Network(DFN) model"

Table 2

Parameter test of DFN model"



Diagram of tunnel coupling model"

Table 3

Physical and mechanical parameters of surrounding rock and structural surface"



Distribution map of instability blocks in tunnel"

Table 4

Simulation results of random blocks"




31 1970.30060.009532627938.328.5
41 1050.31150.01383253810611.732.6
81 0920.33640.0204296368912.330.1
91 0070.35150.006730226728.623.8


Line chart of change in probability of block instability"

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