收稿日期: 2016-02-26
修回日期: 2016-03-25
网络出版日期: 2016-10-08
国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”计划)项目“极端环境矿岩灾害机制研究”(编号:2012CB724207)、“十二五”科技支撑计划项目“深部贫矿床大规模上行式无废开采综合技术研究”(编号:2012BAB14B01)和马鞍山科技计划项目“旋转射流帷幕雾化除尘器的研 制”(编号:JN-2014-02)联合资助
Research and Practice of Cooling Technology in Woxi Pithead Kilometer Deep Mine
Received date: 2016-02-26
Revised date: 2016-03-25
Online published: 2016-10-08
为了改善沃溪坑口千米深井深部高温作业环境,分析了深井主要热源及危害,设计施工了专用回风竖井并在地表安装主扇,将原有东部风井(回风井)转变为进风井,同时停止运行原通风系统风机,调整通风系统结构,建立新的通风系统。现场实施结果表明:新通风系统直接抽排深部高温污风,出风温度提高约2 ℃,通风排热能力提高4.3倍,总通风能力增加1倍以上;夏季风量大而风源焓值高,上部低温岩体尚未完全吸收其携带的热量即进入深部区域,使得矿井温度整体呈现上升之势,这表明入井风量越大并不意味着矿井通风降温效果越好,而必须综合评价风源的风量、温度对深井通风降温的影响,提出了优化主扇运行方案,寻求经济风量以降低夏季风源焓值的降温新思路。
黄寿元 , 蔡建华 , 李刚 . 沃溪坑口千米深井降温技术研究与实践[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2016 , 24(3) : 81 -86 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2016.03.081
In order to improve the high-temperature working environment of geothermal in Woxi pithead kilometer deep mine,the paper analyze the main heat source and damage.It adjusted the ventilation structure and established a new ventilation which designed and constructed a special return air shaft,installed a main fan on the surface,transformed the original east air shaft(return air shaft) into intake air shaft,stopped the fan of the original ventilation system.The site implementation showed that the new ventilation system directly exhausted the pollution and high temperature air from the mine deep area,the outlet air temperature nearly increased 2 ℃,ventilation and heat removal capacity increased by 4.3 times,total ventilation ability increased by more than one time.The air sours of large quantity with high enthalpy in summer,the heat of intake air could not fully be absorbed by the upper low temperature rock,most of the high enthalpy air is carried into the deep area,and make the whole mine air temperature is rising,which suggested that the greater the intake air volume into the shaft does not mean that the mine ventilation cooling effect is better.It also showed that the effects of ventilation cooling for deep mine must be comprehensive evaluation of intake air volume and temperature and than puts forward that the main fan operation scheme will be optioned to seek economic air volume to reduce the air sours enthalpy in summer.
Key words: cooling of deep mine; geothermal; air sours enthalpy; economic air volume
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