



  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • 创刊于1988年


  • 潘彤 ,
  • 王德福
  • 1青海省地质矿产勘查开发局,青海 西宁 810001
    2青海省第五地质矿产勘查院,青海 西宁 810001

收稿日期: 2018-03-06

  修回日期: 2018-05-25

  网络出版日期: 2018-10-17



Preliminary Discussion on Minerogentic Series of Gold Deposits in Qinghai Province

  • Tong PAN ,
  • Fude WANG
  • 1Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development of Qinghai Province,Xining 810001,Qinghai,China
    2The Fifth Geological Mineral Exploration Institute of Qinghai Province,Xining 810001,Qinghai,China

Received date: 2018-03-06

  Revised date: 2018-05-25

  Online published: 2018-10-17




潘彤 , 王德福 . 初论青海省金矿成矿系列[J]. 黄金科学技术, 2018 , 26(4) : 423 -430 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2018.04.423


There are abundant gold resources in Qinghai Province.Based on the study of mineral resources potential in Qinghai Province,the metallogenic characteristics,gold types,ore control conditons and spatial distribution of gold deposits in Qinghai Province were analyzed,and the metallogenic regularity of gold deposits was put forward.The gold mineralization in Qinghai Province was divided into five metallogenic periods of the Pre-Cambrian,Early Paleozoic,Late Paleozoic,Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic,and the spatial distribution features of gold deposits in each metallogenic period were summarized.Based on the characteristics of the representative gold deposits in the main metallogenic belts,the gold mineralization series in Qinghai Province was established for the first time,and suggestions for future prospecting and exploration of gold deposits in Qinghai Province were proposed.


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