Experimental Study on the Comprehensive Recovery of Gold,Tungsten and Quartz Sand Form Flotation Tailings of Dulanggou Gold Mine in Sichuan Province
Received date: 2022-07-19
Revised date: 2023-06-08
Online published: 2024-01-26
The flotation tailings came from Dulanggou gold mine in Sichuan Province,with the particle size of -0.074 mm 27%.The results of chemical analysis show that the grade of Au,WO3 and SiO2 is 0.42×10-6, 0.039%,and 94.01% respectively.The main valuable metal minerals are natural gold,scheelite and pyrite,and the gangue minerals are mainly quartz,mica and feldspar,which belong to the tailings that can be recycled. In order to comprehensively recover the valuable minerals in the flotation tailings of Dulanggou gold mine,according to the density difference between natural gold and gold-bearing minerals(pyrite) and scheelite in the tailings,without grinding,the gravity separation test equipment and process selection,gold-tungsten separation flotation test and beneficiation test of quartz sand recovery from gravity tailings were carried out.Finally,through detailed comparative analysis,the combined process of gravity separation (Nielsen+shaking table)-flotation (gold tungsten separation)-magnetic separation was adopted.The flotation process has got a better classification index.The gold concentrate Au grade is 107.00×10-6 and Au recovery is 2.34%.Tungsten concentrate(WO3 grade) is 52.95% and WO3 recovery is 47.23%.Quartz sand concentrate(SiO2 grade) is 96.32% and SiO2 recovery is 75.68%,and the quartz sand concentrate reaches 2S level.The tailings bene-ficiation process has the advantages of low cost,easy on-site operation and environmental protection.
Rongyan ZHAO , Tian’en LI , Ling ZHANG . Experimental Study on the Comprehensive Recovery of Gold,Tungsten and Quartz Sand Form Flotation Tailings of Dulanggou Gold Mine in Sichuan Province[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2023 , 31(6) : 1035 -1043 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2023.06.095
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