Occurrence Characteristics of Lithium Rare Light Metal Clay-type Deposits in Balunmahai Basin of Qaidam Basin
Received date: 2022-10-08
Revised date: 2023-01-11
Online published: 2023-07-20
In order to identify the occurrence, enrichment, storage conditions and distribution characteristics of rare metal ore in the clay layer,to study the sedimentary characteristics,variation law and metallogenic law of the Qaidam Basin,the evaluation of resource potential were studied in Balunhaima Basin of Qaidam Basin. The investigation and evaluation of lithium rare light metals as the main minerals in Balunmahai salt lake Basin of Qaidam Basin has been carried out, including drilling, sample collection and testing, statistical analysis of data, correlation of rock and ore-bearing clay layers, law summary and research work on the availability of ore-bearing clay. Three layers of ore-bearing clay layers were delineated in the Quaternary Holocene (Qh), Upper Pleistocene (Qp3) and Middle Pleistocene (Qp2). It is estimated that the total potential resources of LiCl can reach 1.1441 million tons, which is converted into the total potential resources of Li2O, Rb2O and Cs2O reaching 403 200 tons, 357 200 tons and 31 300 tons respectively.The lithium leaching rate reaches 51%~55% with 10% sulfuric acid concentration,25% pulp concentration,1 hour leaching time and 25 ℃ leaching temperature.The thickness of ore-bearing clay layer and the contents of Li,Rb and Cs are stable. Lithium is mainly composed of Fe-Mn binding state,followed by residue state,Rb and Cs are mainly composed of residue state.The clay minerals are mainly illite,and the contents of Li,Rb and Cs are positively correlated with the clay content. It is concluded that there are both structural lithium and adsorbed lithium in clay-type lithium deposits in this area,which is a kind of clay-type lithium deposits between carbonate clay-type lithium deposits and volcanic clay-type lithium deposits.This type is a new type in Balunmahai Basin,and the mining area has the conditions for extraction and utilization.In this paper,the investigation and evaluation of rare light metal lithium deposits were carried out for the first time in clay layer,and the clay-type lithium rare light metal resources were found.The orebody is associated with liquid ore and solid salt ore,which is an important part of salt lake resources.The research lays a foundation for the overall planning,development and efficient utilization of the evaluation area of the Balunmahai Basin.
Tong PAN , Jianzhou CHEN , Chengwang DING , Yuliang MA , Hui LIANG , Tao ZHANG , Xiaochun DU . Occurrence Characteristics of Lithium Rare Light Metal Clay-type Deposits in Balunmahai Basin of Qaidam Basin[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2023 , 31(3) : 359 -377 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2023.03.137
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