Study on the Adsorption and Wettability of CN- on the Surface of Typical Gangue Minerals
Received date: 2022-10-30
Revised date: 2023-01-09
Online published: 2023-04-27
In recent years,with the continuous depletion of shallow mineral resources,there are many theoretical and practical studies on the recovery and utilization of sulfide ores in cyanide tailings.However,the existence of floatable gangue will hinder the recovery of sulfide ore in cyanide tailings.Therefore,it is very important to find out the adsorption mechanism of CN- on the surface of gangue minerals and the change of surface wettability to identify the cause of low flotation recovery of cyanide tailings.In this paper,three typical gangue minerals,quartz,feldspar and calcite,were used as adsorbent,and NaCN was used as adsorbent.The influence of adsorption time and amount of adsorbent on the adsorption effect of CN- were investigated.At the same time,the wettability difference before and after the adsorption of CN- on the surface of gangue minerals was analyzed by using the contact angle detection method of solid droplet,and the adsorption kinetic model was fitted for the adsorption results.The results show that quartz,feldspar and calcite exhibit different degrees of adsorption and selectivity for CN-.When the mineral dosage was 5 g and the contact time was 12 h,the adsorption rate of CN- tend to be stable.At this time,the adsorption rates of quartz,feldspar and calcite for CN- are 43.9%,58.0% and 43.6%,respectively.Through kinetic study,it is found that the adsorption of CN- by quartz and feldspar is mainly physical adsorption.There is binding adsorption between CN- and calcite.Finally,according to the contact angle detection,the adsorption of CN- resulted in the enhancement of the surface hydrophilicity of gangue minerals,and the surface contact angles of quartz,feldspar and calcite decreased from 38.5°,15.6° and 35.4° to 18.6°,14.4° and 20.6°.After the action of SBX flotation reagent,the surface contact angle of gangue minerals increase,but still showes hydrophilic properties.It shows that cyanidation will not cause the following flotation of non-target minerals when recovering sulfide ores from cyanide tailings flotation,which provides theoretical guidance for achieving efficient separation and flotation of metal sulfide ores in cyanide tailings.
Key words: quartz; feldspar; calcite; cyanide leaching; adsorption behavior; contact angle; dynamics model
Qianfei ZHAO , Hongying YANG , Linlin TONG . Study on the Adsorption and Wettability of CN- on the Surface of Typical Gangue Minerals[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2023 , 31(2) : 340 -348 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2023.02.160
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