

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
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Mining Technology and Mine Management

Deep Roadway Support and Its Effect Evaluation Under Excavation Unloading Disturbance

  • Liqiang CHEN ,
  • Guoyan ZHAO ,
  • Yang LI ,
  • Wenjie MAO ,
  • Chengkai DANG ,
  • Boyang FANG
  • School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,Hunan,China

Received date: 2021-09-16

  Revised date: 2021-12-30

  Online published: 2022-09-14


Roadway support work is very important to ensure the safety and sustainable development of enterprise production,reasonable support can not only ensure the stability of the roadway to the greatest extent,but also greatly save the cost of support.Especially in recent years,with the increase of mining depth,there is a high stress environment caused by excavation unloading and mining impact the deep roadway,which greatly increases the probability of safety hazards such as roof caving,gangstay or even collapse,so it is more necessary to optimize governance and time-effective support.In order to solve the serious catastrophic damage of the surrounding rock and the near failure of the supporting structure in the deep roadway of a gold mine, the excavation damage of deep roadway under the coupling effect of excavation and mining unloading was studied,and the deformation control scheme of surrounding rock was proposed.FLAC3D was used to conduct an in-depth discussion on the support effect of the supporting scheme from three aspects of stress concentration-migration evolution,displacement field and plastic zone distribution characteristics,and the real-time in-situ data obtained from field engineering experiment monitoring were analyzed and compared.The results show that under the disturbance of excavation in the deep fractured roadway,the plastic zone is obviously expanded,the stress con-centration degree at both shoulders and the bottom corner of the side wall is high,the fracture damage pressure on the floor is the largest,and the high stress migrates to the deep part of the roadway.Finally,the influence of roadway excavation stays at about 2~4 times the radius.At the same time,according to the measured data,the stress of the surrounding rock of the roadway increases continuously during the unloading disturbance process of the roadway excavation,which indicates that the excavation disturbance in the adjacent stope will have a grea-ter impact on the stability of the roadway.Before and after the support is applied,the average growth rate of the roadway surrounding rock stress decreases from 0.096 to 0.008.At this time,as the amount of ore continues to increase,the stress in the surrounding rock remains relatively stable.It is verified that the surrounding rock control scheme of shotcrete-anchor-net combined support instead of the traditional U-shaped steel frame and bolt support as reinforcement support for this engineering environment can better play the fragmented surrounding rock.The self-bearing capacity of the roadway effectively resists the deformation and damage of the roadway,and has a very good supporting effect.It can provide reasonable suggestions for the design of surrounding rock deformation and support for deep mine roadways with similar engineering environments.

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Liqiang CHEN , Guoyan ZHAO , Yang LI , Wenjie MAO , Chengkai DANG , Boyang FANG . Deep Roadway Support and Its Effect Evaluation Under Excavation Unloading Disturbance[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2022 , 30(3) : 438 -448 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2022.03.128


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