Research on Scientific Mining of Mineral Resources and Its Complexity
Received date: 2021-12-01
Revised date: 2022-03-07
Online published: 2022-09-14
In the context of the “double carbon” goals of “carbon peak” and “carbon neutrality”,green,low-carbon,clean and efficient have become new requirements for resource extraction,and it also puts forward a new direction for the research on the complex system of scientific mining.Scientific mining is a mode of mining that uses systematic scientific ideas,takes into account the natural environment and social production,and hopes to mine mineral resources and associated resources in a safe,green,economical,efficient,and low-carbon manner.The issues of scientific mining cover multiple aspects such as safety,technology,environment,society,economy,management,etc.,which are systematic scientific issues and gradually become more complicated.There are complex interrelationships and permeation effects among the various elements of scientific mining,and the mining process has the characteristics of openness,dynamic change,uncertainty,etc..Moreover,scientific mining system contains recognized complex problems such as random problems and nonlinear problems,which has obvious complexity.Research on the complexity of scientific mining issues has become a new idea to expand the connotation and framework of scientific mining.This article expounds the development and evolution of the concept of mineral resource mining,reviews the research status of scientific mining at home and abroad in recent years,and builds a “six-in-one” scientific mining system,including safe,efficient,green,low-carbon,economical,and scientific management.This system enriches the connotation and framework of scientific mining.Furthermore,this article discusses the complex attributes of scientific mining.Inferring from two aspects:The judging criteria of complex scientific problems and the characteristics of the scientific mining system,it is concluded that scientific mining is a complex problem,and the system that carries the complex scientific mining problems is a complex system.Using complex scientific thinking to study the complexity of scientific mining,the complex system model of scientific mining was constructed,and new ways to accelerate the realization of comprehensive scientific mining were considered from the three levels of top-level design,middle-level connection,and bottom-level foundation,provides new development direction and idea for the realization of scientific mining of mineral resources.
Yalan YANG , Shaofeng WANG , Licheng SUN . Research on Scientific Mining of Mineral Resources and Its Complexity[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2022 , 30(3) : 382 -391 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2022.03.189
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