Influence of Combined Compression Cooling Air Duct Arrangement on the Cooling Effect in High-Temperature Metal Mine Roadway Excavation
Received date: 2021-07-26
Revised date: 2021-10-07
Online published: 2022-04-25
In order to quantitatively study the influence of the equipment layout on the cooling effect of the high-temperature driving roadway in the dual-pressure pumping mixed ventilation,the Fluent computational fluid dynamic(CFD)software was used to carry out a numerical simulation study on the ventilation cooling of the driving roadway.Firstly,the three-dimensional model of dual press-in mixed ventilation was established,and the boundary conditions and solver parameters of the model were set by Fluent software.Then,three groups of press-in air ducts 2 were set to conduct comparison experiments at different layout positions for numerical simulation.Finally,the temperature field distribution of the driving roadway under the action of dual-injection pumping and mixed ventilation and cooling was analyzed,and the temperature distribution law in the roadway was quantified when the pressure-in air duct 2 is arranged in different positions.The research results show that the dual-injection mixed ventilation can effectively treat the key treatment areas with the most active heat exchange within 50 m of the excavation roadway.The temperature field in the horizontal direction shows that the temperature on the pressure side of the tunnel from the outlet of the compressed air duct 2 is lower than that on the suction side,and the temperature on the suction side of the roadway is gradually lower after the air duct 1 is compressed. The temperature field of the roadway section shows that the temperature distribution at different heights of the roadway at different sections is different,and the temperature difference at different heights of the roadway is larger when it is close to the section of the forced air duct 2,the temperature in the upper and lower positions of the tunnel is lower and the temperature in the middle position is higher.The arrangement position of the press-in air duct 2 in the dual press-in mixed ventilation directly determines the temperature distribution in the roadway.When the press-in air duct 2 is arranged at 30 m from the driving surface,the temperature within 30 m of the driving roadway is stable at about 26 ℃.When the air inlet duct 2 is arranged at a distance of 50 m,although the temperature within 50 m of the driving roadway fluctuates by about 1 ℃,the overall value remains below 28 ℃ to meet the operation requirements.When the air duct 2 is arranged at 70 m away from the driving surface,the temperature fluctuation range in the driving roadway is relatively large and the temperature exceeds the limit in a wide range.At this time, the cooling effect of dual press-in mixed ventilation basically fails.The position of the press-in air duct 2 can be flexibly arranged under the appropriate conditions of the cooling and air supply parameters to meet the cooling requirements of long-distance roadways.The air temperature change law of the driving roadway obtained in the experiment in this paper can provide reference for the research of other ventilation cooling systems under similar conditions.
Xingxin NIE , Zhewei LIU , Zhaoxiang GAO , Ping CHENG . Influence of Combined Compression Cooling Air Duct Arrangement on the Cooling Effect in High-Temperature Metal Mine Roadway Excavation[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2022 , 30(1) : 85 -92 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2022.01.100
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