

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
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Mining Technology and Mine Management

Optimization of Millisecond Delay Blasting Time in Open Pit Mine Based on JKSimBlast Software

  • Qinzheng WU ,
  • Runran LI ,
  • Guilin LI ,
  • Jinping LI ,
  • Yitian YIN ,
  • Shuai XU
  • 1.Deep Mining Laboratory of Shandong Gold Group Co. , Ltd. , Yantai 261442, Shandong, China
    2.Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Safe Mining of Deep Metal Mines, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, Liaoning, China
    3.JISCO Hongxing Iron & Steel Co. , Ltd. , Jiayuguan 735100, Gansu, China

Received date: 2021-05-27

  Revised date: 2021-09-23

  Online published: 2022-03-07


Millisecond delay blasting refers to the delay blasting with the interval of several millisecond to tens of millisecond between the adjacent blasting holes. The reasonable millisecond time can make the ore rock fully collide and break,and reduce the production of large blocks. It can weaken or even cancel the stress waves between the blastholes and reduce the blasting vibration. With the wide use of digital electronic detonators,it is possible to realize precise millisecond delay blasting hole by hole. Selecting the optimal millisecond time between holes and rows is of great significance to further improve the blasting efficiency and quality. Based on JKSimBlast blasting simulation software,relying on an open-pit iron mine,under the given hole network parameters and charging structure,combined with the commonly used empirical formula of mine,we design a comprehensive simulation scheme of two factors and three levels,in which the millisecond time between holes is 21 ms,39 ms,56 ms respectively,and the millisecond time between rows is 60 ms,78 ms,96 ms respectively. Taking the maximum number of blasting holes in the same section,the peak vibration velocity of particles and the air impact pressure as indexes,the blasting effect is evaluated. The results show that when the millisecond time between holes is 39 ms and the millisecond time between rows is 78 ms,the maximum number of blasting holes and the maximum number of segments in the same blasting section are both 2,which is the minimum of all simulation results,indicating that the harmful effect of blasting is the smallest. Then,under the condition that the spacing pattern parameter,loaded constitution and layout of priming network remain unchanged,the optimized design scheme of millisecond time is used to design 39 ms between holes and 78 ms between rows,compared with 25 ms between holes and 42 ms between rows,and the delay time in holes is set to 450 ms,The blasting effect is evaluated according to two indexes of blasting fragmentation and blasting vibration. The results show that compared with the empirical scheme,the boulder rate of millisecond time blasting obtained by JKSimBlast blasting simulation software is reduced from 14.30% to 7.94%,with a decrease of 44.5%.At about 200 m away from the blasting center,the average blasting vibration velocity decreased from 11.682 cm/s to 6.418 cm/s,a decrease of 45%. It is proved that JKSimBlast blasting simulation software has the advantages of high accuracy,strong operability,low cost and wide coverage,which provides a new idea for the determination of Millisecond delay blasting time parameters in open pit mining process.

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Qinzheng WU , Runran LI , Guilin LI , Jinping LI , Yitian YIN , Shuai XU . Optimization of Millisecond Delay Blasting Time in Open Pit Mine Based on JKSimBlast Software[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2021 , 29(6) : 854 -862 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2021.06.066


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