

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
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Mining Technology and Mine Management

Analysis on Rock Breakage Characteristic and Its Influence Factors of Conical Pick Under Uniaxial Confining Stress

  • Yu TANG ,
  • Shaofeng WANG
  • School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,Hunan,China

Received date: 2020-12-29

  Revised date: 2021-04-06

  Online published: 2021-12-17


With the gradual depletion of shallow resources,deep mining is an inevitable trend. However,the traditional drilling and blasting method has been difficult to meet the requirements of continuous,large-scale,safe,efficient and green resource exploitation in deep mining. Non-explosive mechanized mining based on cutting tool rock breaking will be one of the main alternative methods for deep mining. The cuttability of deep hard rock is the key factor to determine the non-explosive mechanical rock breaking. Therefore,we carried out the rock breaking experiment by conical pick and studied the rock cuttability under different confining pressures and rock properties. The experiment was performed on the TRW-3000 true triaxial electro-hydraulic servo test system designed and manufactured by Central South University. The system can simulate the stress conditions under uniaxial,biaxial and triaxial confining stress conditions. The maximum static load applied in XY and Z directions is 2 000 kN,2 000 kN and 3 000 kN respectively. The rock samples utilized in this experiment are granite,marble,red sandstone and phosphate rock,all of which are cubic rock samples with the size of 100 mm×100 mm×100 mm. In order to simulate the stress on the pillar to be mined,uniaxial confining pressure was applied to the rock sample on the Y-axis. The range of confining pressure of granite and marble is 0~120 MPa,that of red sandstone is 0~90 MPa,and that of phosphate rock is 0~100 MPa. Then,the rock breakage load is applied to rock specimen by conical pick through Z-axis,so as to cut the rock sample vertically. In the whole experiment process,the system recorded the load change on rock in the loading process automatically. According to the curve change,the peak indentation force and corresponding penetration depth of the pick were obtained,and the cutting work required for rock breaking could be obtained. Then,the specific energy of rock breaking could be calculated according to the cutting work and the volume of the spalling rock block. In addition,according to the ISRM standards,the uniaxial compressive strength and tensile strength of four types of rocks were obtained by uniaxial compression test and Brazilian splitting test. Then,the brittleness index of rock was obtained. The uniaxial compressive strength,brittleness index,peak indentation force and specific energy were normalized. Through regression analysis,the regression models of the relationships among the peak indentation force,rock strength characteristics and confining stress conditions,as well as the relationships among specific energy,rock strength characteristics and confining stress conditions were obtained. Finally,the entropy weight method was used to evaluate the influence weights of rock strength characteristics and confining stress conditions on the peak indentation force and specific energy. Through the above experimental study,regression analysis,and the weight determination,the necessary theoretical basis can be provided for the feasibility evaluation of non-explosive mechanized mining and the design of rock breaking parameter in deep mine. This study has important guiding significance for the realization of non-explosive mechanized mining in deep hard rock.

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Yu TANG , Shaofeng WANG . Analysis on Rock Breakage Characteristic and Its Influence Factors of Conical Pick Under Uniaxial Confining Stress[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2021 , 29(5) : 669 -679 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2021.05.009


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