Analysis of Acoustic Emission Index Characteristics for Indoor Uniaxial Com-pression Test of Backfill
Received date: 2020-07-06
Revised date: 2020-11-18
Online published: 2021-05-28
As the shallow mineral resources exhausted,deep mining is the general trend for global mining engineering. Backfill method is widely used in metal mining engineering which control the mine stability. With the improvement of the method,the mechanical behavior of backfill is attracted extensive attention. This article analyzed backfill mechanical behavior based on the experimental test.Combined uniaxial compression tests with acoustic emission monitoring,backfill samples with pre-existing crack were tested.Five groups backfill samples were tested and all samples with strength within 35 MPa. Five groups sample with dips of 0°,30°,45°,60°,and 90°,represented five fractures distribution.The results show that backfill sample with 90°-dip fracture demonstrated more obvious brittleness and less plasticity than other samples.Acoustic emission signals could represent fractures initiation and development of backfill samples.Acoustic emission locations have their characteristics in five groups backfill samples. Initially,acoustic emission of backfill sample with 0°-dip fracture located near the pre-existing fracture,and then develop to the other parts of sample.While for backfill samples with other four dips fractures,acoustic emission mainly concentrated near the pre-existing fractures from initial stage to failure.For acoustic emission monitoring,some parameters could demonstrate the me-chanism of fractures propagation.In this article,three parameters were analyzed,they are AF,RA,and lg(AF/RA),respectively. AF represented the tensile fracture propagation,RA represented the shear fracture propagation,and lg(AF/RA) could reveal the overall fracture development.The process of backfill compression is divided into eight stages,namely crack closure,line elastic deformation,micro-crack initiation,stable micro-crack growth,micro-crack coalescence,unstable micro-crack growth,macro-crack coalescence,and failure. Finally,the results show that the dip of pre-existing crack has large influence to backfill deformation and failure according to these three parameter analysis. AE value of the backfill sample with 0°-dip fracture is high in whole deformation process,and RA value remains low and waves in small range. The change of AE and RA value showes shear and rupture in particles is not obvious,and initialed and developed fractures are major tensile.Based on this parameters changed,other four samples parameters values were analyzed,and backfill samples with 30°-dip and 45°-dip fracture are similar to backfill sample with 0°-dip fracture,and backfill samples with 60°-dip and 90°-dip fracture are different.Finally the research come to a conclusion that samples with small dips of pre-existing crack failed by tensile cracks,and samples with large dips of pre-existing crack failed by tensile-shear cracks.
Rong LU , Fengshan MA , Jie ZHAO , Jie GUO , Jinzhong GU , Yeqiang HUANG . Analysis of Acoustic Emission Index Characteristics for Indoor Uniaxial Com-pression Test of Backfill[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2021 , 29(2) : 218 -225 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2021.02.119
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