Experimental Study on Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Similar Sandstone Materials with Different Damage Degree
Received date: 2020-03-08
Revised date: 2020-06-10
Online published: 2021-01-29
At present,many researches have been carried out on the static and scientific characteristics of hard rock in deep underground and the dynamic response of intact rock under dynamic impact load.However,the damage and fracture mechanism of the fracture free zone in sandstone under the action of blasting stress wave has not been thoroughly studied.In order to solve the problem of difficult coring of the original rock in the deep part of the coal mine,this paper conducts six cyclic threshold tests on the similar material of sandstone,namely cement mortar,and sets the upper limit of cyclic stress as 20%,40%,60% and 80% of the static strength.One dimensional dynamic impact compression tests were carried out with the impact pressure of 0.4,0.5 and 0.6 MPa respectively.Finally,the relationship of stress,strain and strain rate under dynamic conditions was obtained.Based on the analysis of the dynamic and static strength changes of similar sandstone blocks before and after damage, the dynamic strength is lower than the static strength at the same damage degree.The strain rate does not affect the shape of the curve,but the rise of the cycle threshold causes the peak point of the curve to move to the lower right corner.The relative value of the stress sensitive factor decreased at a different rate before the cycle threshold of 60% and after the cycle threshold of 60%.The test results show that the strength decrease caused by damage under dynamic conditions to be higher than static conditions,which is because of cyclic loading and unloading causes the internal elasticity of the test block to decrease and the shape to increase.After the cycle threshold reaches 60%,the dynamic impact damage reaches the threshold value,which is consistent with the static analysis results.Both peak stress and peak strain have strain rate effect,but the coupling effect of impact load is more significant at low strain rate,and it will no longer work beyond the breaking strain rate.
Qianqian WANG , Ying XU , Haibo WANG , Qiangqiang ZHENG , Xian NI , Hao HU . Experimental Study on Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Similar Sandstone Materials with Different Damage Degree[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2020 , 28(6) : 868 -876 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.06.055
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