

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
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Mining Technology and Mine Management

Optimization of Roadway Support Parameters in Soft Broken Sections Based on Orthogonal Test

  • Jianhua HU ,
  • Le PANG ,
  • Xueliang WANG ,
  • Minghua ZHENG
  • 1.School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,Hunan,China
    2.Hubei Sanning Mining Co. ,Ltd. ,Yichang 443100,Hubei,China

Received date: 2020-02-28

  Revised date: 2020-06-07

  Online published: 2021-01-29


Mineral resources are the foundation of social development.Projects such as efficient and safe tunneling and opening roadways are one of the main tasks of underground mines.Due to the differences in the geological conditions of the underground rock layers and the non-selective engineering environment,the roadway support in the soft broken section of the fault has an important impact on the construction and operation safety of the mine roadway.Taking the tunnel development project of the soft-segmented section of F4 fault in Tiaoshuihe Phosphate Mine as an object,we studies how to improve the engineering stability of the roadway by reasonable support design under the influence of F4 fault,the roof structure is poor,and the floor and surrounding rock are relatively soft.Finite difference software FLAC3D was used to construct a three-dimensional numerical simulation model of the mine roadway.A Mohr-Coulomb model was used in this study.The model size is 40 m × 40 m × 40 m,the fault thickness is 8 m,the inclination angle is 75°,and the burial depth is 250 m.The side and bottom of the model are fixed boundaries,and the upper surface is not constrained.The side pressure coefficient is λ=1.2 with reference to Yichang area.The optimization of the support parameters involves three factors:The length of the anchor rod,the thickness of the shotcrete and the thickness of the masonry.Based on the investigation of its engineering geological conditions,an orthogonal experiment scheme of 3 factors (including 1 factor of 4 levels and 2 factors of 2 levels) of support parameters was designed.Based on the analysis of the support effect and deformation law of different parameter combinations,the length of the anchor rod,the thickness of the shotcrete and the thickness of the masonry were reasonably selected under the economic conditions,which provides theoretical basis for the final support mode and parameter optimization.The supporting method and parameters of the roadway were determined by range analysis.The research results show that:(1)The orthogonal experiment design can effectively reduce the number of experiments and improve the calculation effect.The analysis of variance of the calculation results identified the influencing factors of different results.The main factors affecting the displacement of the top and bottom plates,vertical stress,and sideways displacement of the roadway are the length of the anchor rod,the thickness of the concrete,and the thickness of the masonry.Reasonably selecting the size of support parameters is conducive to improving the effect of support.(2)Taking the displacement and stress of the roadway in the soft fault section as the research object,the optimal supporting scheme is determined as bolt length of 2.8 m,shotcrete thickness of 100 mm and arch thickness of 250 mm.The numerical simulation further verifies that the supporting effect under this parameter is conducive to improving the engineering stability of the soft fault section.(3)This study provides technical reference for the excavation and support of roadway of phosphorite and metal deposits with similar geological conditions,and has good demonstration and guidance significance.

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Jianhua HU , Le PANG , Xueliang WANG , Minghua ZHENG . Optimization of Roadway Support Parameters in Soft Broken Sections Based on Orthogonal Test[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2020 , 28(6) : 859 -867 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.06.047


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