

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
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Research Progress of Typical Environmental Pollution in Polymetallic Mining Area and Its Filling and Gel Immobilization

  • Hua NA ,
  • Guocheng Lü ,
  • Dan ZHANG ,
  • Lijuan WANG ,
  • Libing LIAO ,
  • Lijie GUO ,
  • Lingchang KONG ,
  • Lijuan WU ,
  • Jianhua BIAN
  • 1.School of Materials Science and Technology,Beijing Key Laboratory of Materials Utilization of Nonmetallic Minerals and Solid Wastes,China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China
    2.BGRIMM Technology Group,Beijing 110160,China

Received date: 2020-06-13

  Revised date: 2020-07-21

  Online published: 2020-11-05


The accumulation of solid waste such as tailings,smelting slag and mined-out areas caused by mining and smelting of mines has become the main problems in environmental protection,production and life safety in mining area.Typical pollution in mining areas includes lead-zinc,chromium,cadmium,manganese and arsenic pollution,which poses a great threat to groundwater,soil and health.Filling mining method is a new mining technology,which can not only effectively solve the problem of goaf collapse,but also immobilize the heavy metal by fill materials.At present,the reported studies mainly focus on the filling properties and gelation mechanism of filling cementitious material.However,the basic researches on the dissolution behavior and the immobilization mechanism of heavy metals are not enough yet.In this paper,the pollution features,dissolution behavior and migration mechanism of the typical contaminants in mining area,such as the lead,zinc,arsenic,chromium,cadmium,manganese and other harmful substances are presented.Through the ways of wastewater emission,atmospheric deposition,surface runoff,leaching,soil infiltration,the contaminant pollutes the atmosphere,water and soil around the mining area in the form of acid wastewater,waste gas or solid waste.The research progress on filling and immobilization of cementitious materials based on the solid waste from mining area,such as lead-zinc slag,blast furnace slag,chromium-containing slag,metal mine tailings are reviewed.The immobilization mechanism of harmful substances on the cementitious materials based on the solid waste from mining area is related to a series of physical and chemical behaviors,such as adsorption,precipitation,ions exchange,physical coating.However,the current study on the immobilization mechanism for harmful sub-stances on filling cementitious materials is not enough yet.Aiming at the present study and existing problems,prospects for the development of filling cementitious materials was put forward.The further study on filling cementitious materials could focus on the following aspects:Dissolution regulation and mechanism of heavy metals in tailings,smelting slag and cementitious materials,immobilization performance for harmful substances on cementitious materials based on solid waste,chemical composition,structure,reaction mechanism,relationship between product and solidified harmful substances,the effect on microstructure by harmful substance.This article could provide reference for the researchers and government officials for the development of filling cementitious materials.

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Hua NA , Guocheng Lü , Dan ZHANG , Lijuan WANG , Libing LIAO , Lijie GUO , Lingchang KONG , Lijuan WU , Jianhua BIAN . Research Progress of Typical Environmental Pollution in Polymetallic Mining Area and Its Filling and Gel Immobilization[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2020 , 28(5) : 646 -657 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.05.110


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