Analysis of Human Fatigue and Error Rates in Plateau Mines Based on HFACS
Received date: 2019-11-08
Revised date: 2020-04-02
Online published: 2020-08-27
Human fatigue is one of the main factors leading to safety accidents,especially for plateau operations with “low air pressure,low oxygen partial pressure,low temperature” and other characteristics,it is more likely to cause operator fatigue,not only greatly reduces workers’work efficiency,but also easy induce human accidents,which pose a threat to the life and safety of the operator.This article aims to prevent fatigue errors caused by factors such as long working hours and heavy tasks in plateau mines,and to ensure the safe production and occupational health of workers in plateau mines under low oxygen environment.Firstly,the characteristics of human fatigue accumulation were analyzed.The human fatigue-operation error mechanism map of plateau mines was built,and the mechanism of human operating errors caused by fatigue accumulation in plateau areas was summarized.Secondly,the changes in human physiological functions and maximum work volume at different altitudes were compared.The four stages of fatigue accumulation in high-altitude operation (initial stage of fatigue accumulation,stable stage of fatigue accumulation,later stage of fatigue accumulation,irreversible stage of fatigue recovery(fatigue damage)) are divided.Based on a questionnaire survey on the relationship between fatigue and behavioral errors of plateau mine operators,the characteristic curves of the error rate at different fatigue accumulation stages in the plateau mining was drawn,which initially revealed the change trend of error rate in the initial stage,stalble stage,later stage and irreversible stage (fatigue damage) of plateau workers’fatigue accumulation.Finally,using human factors analysis and classification system (HFACS),the paper proposed the Fatigue-Human Errors Framework (F-HFACS) of plateau mines comprehensively analyzes the factors of plateau miners’ fatigue and their impact on the occurrence of human errors.This study showes that there are higher operating efficiency,lower work error rate and better working stability at the stable stage than those at other stages;The fatigue accumulation further deepened at the later stage,and the working error rate is sharply increased,and to prevent fatigue damage,the operation must be stopped.The study provides a scientific basis for the safety management personnel of plateau mines to formulate a reasonable shift plan and reduce the operational error rate.
Zhien HUANG , Ming LI , Guoli LIAO , Chao WU , Rui HUANG , Zijun LI . Analysis of Human Fatigue and Error Rates in Plateau Mines Based on HFACS[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2020 , 28(4) : 610 -618 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.04.181
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