

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
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Mineral Exploration and Resource Evaluation

Mineralogy of Gold-bearing Pyrite and Its Significance for Deep Prospecting in the Jiuqu Gold Deposit,Linglong Area,Jiaodong Peninsula

  • Zhen ZHANG ,
  • Shengyuan NING ,
  • Zengtian XU
  • Shandong Gold Mining (Linglong) Co. , Ltd. , Zhaoyuan 265400,Shandong,China

Received date: 2019-06-10

  Revised date: 2019-12-31

  Online published: 2020-07-01


Jiaodong gold province is one of the major gold producing areas in China.Linglong gold orefield is located in the northwestern Jiaodong,which is a typical representative of the super large quartz-vein type gold orefields.In recent years,many scholars have carried out detailed geological prospecting and genesis of the Linglong gold orefield,but there are still controversies about the sources of ore-forming materials and fluids,and the mechanism of gold mineralization.Besides,deep exploration of gold ore is urgently needed to be solved.In this study,the Jiuqu gold deposit,located in the eastern part of the Linglong gold orefield,were sampled.The study of pyrite,the main gold-bearing mineral in the Jiuqu gold deposit,is of great significance to the genesis and prospecting prediction of the deposit. The mineral graphical and micro-geochemical characteristics of pyrite in different metallogenic stages were studied in detail,such as pyrite-quartz stage,quartz-pyrite stage,quartz polymetallic sulfide stage and carbonate stage.Mineralogy studies have found that there are three main types of native gold associated with pyrite in the Jiuqu gold deposit,mainly including intergranular gold and inclusion gold,with locally appearing of a large amount of fissure gold.The pentagonal dodecahedron of pyrite and its complex aggregates are usually related to the sulfur-rich concentration of ore-forming fluids,which is one of the good signs of gold mineralization.The crushing degree and particle size of pyrite are closely related to the content of primary gold,implying that pyrites with higher crushing degree and smaller particle size have a larger specific surface area,which is conducive to the adsorption of gold.Light-yellow,dark-yellow or yellow pyrite usually contain higher gold contents,while light-yellow white pyrite has a relatively low gold content.The micro-geochemical characteristics of pyrite show that the major elements of pyrite are characterized by iron-rich and sulfur-poor,and that the sulphur fugacity of the ore-bearing fluid gradually decreases during the ascending process.The difference in the chemical structure of pyrite indicates that it has experienced a lot of brittleness and plastic microstructural deformation.Moreover,the temperature of ore-forming hydrothermal fluids from the early stage to the main ore-forming stage generally tends to decrease.According to the mineralogy and mineral geochemical characteristics of the gold-bearing pyrite in the Jiuqu gold deposit,pyrite has a certain indication of ore-forming significance.Pyrite with complex shape,color change,brittleness and plastic deformation charac-teristics of pyrite can be used as prospecting indicators.

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Zhen ZHANG , Shengyuan NING , Zengtian XU . Mineralogy of Gold-bearing Pyrite and Its Significance for Deep Prospecting in the Jiuqu Gold Deposit,Linglong Area,Jiaodong Peninsula[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2020 , 28(3) : 328 -336 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.03.073


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