

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
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Mining Technology and Mine Management

Process Design Optimization and Application of a Dressing and Metallurgy Pilot Plant in Qinghai

  • Fei LI ,
  • Ziqiang CHEN
  • 1.Qinghai 6th Institute of Geology Exploration,Xining 816000,Qinghai,China
    2.The Engineering and Technology Research Center for the Development of Gold Mining Resources in Qinghai Province,Dulan 816100,Qinghai,China

Received date: 2019-06-20

  Revised date: 2019-09-29

  Online published: 2020-02-26


A 30 t/d dressing and metallurgy pilot plant have been completed for a gold mine in Qinghai Province.The processing technologies of the pilot plant are flotation and gold leaching by environmental extraction agent.The pilot plant is mainly aimed at the pilot test study for gold ore dressing and metallurgy of new techniques,new materials and new technologies,new reagents and automatic control,etc. At the same time,it can carry out the flotation technology research for nonferrous metals.Mainly equipment in the pilot plant was monitored by frequency conversion,so that it can study the technical measures to improve equipment operation rate.The original design flow of the pilot plant is single,so it cannot carry out process optimization experiment research.Base on optimizing the process designs,different process test can be combination and adjustment.Through the open-circuit tests of laboratory for Huanglonggou gold ore and Shuizhadonggou gold ore in this mine,the recovery rate of the rougher flotation,the once scavenging,the second scavenging,the third scavenging for Shuizhadonggou gold ore is 80.41%,6.55%,1.47%,0.67%,and the grade of secondary cleaning concentrate is 30.40×10-6,so the suitable flotation process for Shuizhadonggou gold ore is single stage rough two stage cleaning three stage scavenging;the recovery rate of the rough flotation,the once scavenging,the second scavenging,the third scavenging for Huanglonggou gold ore is 75.95%,3.53%,2.32%,1.52%,and the grade of rough flotation concentrate is 29.51×10-6,so the suitable flotation process for Huanglonggou gold ore is single stage rough three stage scavenging.Based on the results of laboratory tests for these two minerals,the pilot tests were carried out in the pilot plant,which was aimed at demonstrating the results of the laboratory tests.Finally,this research result was successfully applied to the actual production of plants,the flotation process of the second plant was optimized to a single stage roughing three stage scavenging.As a result,the recovery rate of Huanglonggou gold ore is increased to 82.48% from 77.51%,more than 66.88 kg gold is additionally recovered per year,and the annual increase in production value reaches 8 834 500 yuan.

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Fei LI , Ziqiang CHEN . Process Design Optimization and Application of a Dressing and Metallurgy Pilot Plant in Qinghai[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2020 , 28(1) : 142 -147 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2020.01.080


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