

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
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Mining Technology and Mine Management

Research on Three-Dimensional Numerical Model Construction Method and Cemented Filling Treatment of Complex Cavities in Daxin Manganese Mine

  • Yuan GAO ,
  • Qingfa CHEN ,
  • Tenglong JIANG
  • College of Resources,Environment and Materials,Guangxi University,Nanning 530004,Guangxi,China

Received date: 2019-04-19

  Revised date: 2019-08-11

  Online published: 2019-12-24


In the numerical analysis of mine geotechnical engineering,it is of practical significance to study the construction method of 3D numerical model of complex cavities for the treatment of cavities.The pre-processing ability of geotechnical engineering simulation software is poor,and the current modeling method can’t well build complex geological body numerical model,and cannot fine divide the grid,resulting in the difficulty and work intensity of geotechnical engineering researchers in the early stage of modeling.In order to accurately analyze the law of surrounding rock movement and stress change of underground engineering, especially the stability of complex goaf formed by different mining methods and the stress change of ore pillar,the paper proposed and improved the 3DMine-surfer-rhino-ANSYS-FLAC3D multi-software joint modeling method.The method can solve the problems of 3D numerical model construction of complex goaf group and mesh generation of large number and small size ore pillars.The paper also described the specific modeling steps.The complex cavity group model constructed is closer to the reality,including the undulating form of surface DEM and more refined mesh of cavity and pillar model. At the same time,the total number of model grid elements is reduced,and the grid size of local key research areas can be adjusted according to the needs,so as to improve the accuracy of the calculation of key areas and accurately describe the stress change of ore pillars.This modeling method can be used to flexibly control the sequence excavation of different layers,stages and chambers of the layered ore bodies,and can be used to simulate the production sequence according to the engineering design at the early stage or the actual engineering production sequence at the later stage,so as to find a safe and reasonable mining production plan.A three-dimensional numerical model of goaf formed by shrinkage stoping method and chamber and pillar method was established by taking the mining of manganese ore body in Daxin mine of Guangxi as an example. Research results show that:(1) The Daxin manganese ore of shrinkage stoping method in mining area,empty part of the needle deformation is large,there are risks caving,the surface subsidence deformation is high;(2) The method of room and pillar mining zone,part of the pillar plastic failure,the surface subsidence deformation amount is larger;(3) Method of shrinkage stoping with cemented filling empty area:Fill in the blanks by stage filling area,after filling in the fourth stage,the surface settlement decreased significantly.In the vertical and vertical consolidation filling scheme,after filling one ore chamber with two ore chambers,the surface subsidence is smaller than that before filling,and the area with large subsidence becomes discontinuous. In the scheme of filling one ore chamber with another ore chamber,the surface subsidence deformation is one order of magnitude lower than the former two schemes,and the area of deformation area decreases and the continuity decreases.Among the three filling schemes,the one-filling and one-filling schemes have better governance effect,and the surface is more stable at the initial stage of governance.

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Yuan GAO , Qingfa CHEN , Tenglong JIANG . Research on Three-Dimensional Numerical Model Construction Method and Cemented Filling Treatment of Complex Cavities in Daxin Manganese Mine[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2019 , 27(6) : 851 -861 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.06.851


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