Numerical Simulation on Stability of Shallow-buried Goaf Group with Overlying Highway
Received date: 2018-05-22
Revised date: 2019-04-12
Online published: 2019-08-19
After more than ten years of underground mining in a quarry in Liuyang City, a gob group was formed by four irregular goafs, and the gobs were close to the surface with a running county-level Jiuxi highway.In order to develop the next-stage mining plan and ensure the safe operation of the above-mentioned roads and the quarry, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze and judge the stability of the goaf group and the overlying road.Field surveys about occurrence condition of goafs, hydrogeology survey as well as engineering geometry survey were performed.On-site point sample loading experiments and indoor rock mechanics experiments were made and basic mechanical parameters of surrounding rock were obtained and then the chart of the discrete strength parameters of the rock was used to analysis the quality of rock mass.After that,the required strength parameters for numerical analysis were calculated out with the method of Hoek-Brown principle as well as some amendments of related strength parameters.Then, numerical model about shallow buried connected goaf groups of the quarry formed after mining as well as highway on topsoil over the goaf group was built to evaluate the stability of goafs and highway so as to bring forward corresponding measures.After the initial geo-stress simulation and the formation of the goafs, in order to explore the impact of the driving load on the goaf, the driving load is applied to the road surface in the form of normal pressure, and then calculated to balance.Comprehensive evaluations on stability of goafs show that goafs are basically in stable condition and the goafs have little influence on overlying highway.The results also indicate that the highway is generally stable with partial separation of layers.Due to the spatial distribution characteristics of the goafs, the subsidence curvature caused by the uneven settlement and the local separation of road layers are harmful to the highway.The distribution of separation zone presents the characteristics of overall dispersion and local concentration, that is, unevenly distributed local strip-shaped separation zone. To ensure the safety of goaf and healthy running of highway,disposal measures for goafs and the road were proposed.Overall, the relative spatial position of the highway and the goafs and the surface topography of the surface play a major role in controlling the damage form of the highway.To ensure the safety of the road and avoid the activation of the goafs.Finally, it is recommended to backfill the 4# goaf to reduce the non-uniformity of spatial distribution and reinforce the separation part of the road by local grouting.
Shijiao YANG , Zhihui WANG . Numerical Simulation on Stability of Shallow-buried Goaf Group with Overlying Highway[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2019 , 27(4) : 505 -512 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.04.505
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