

  • CN 62-1112/TF 
  • ISSN 1005-2518 
  • Founded in 1988
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Mineral Exploration and Resource Evaluation

Research on Ore-Control Conditions and Metallogenic Law of Gold Deposits in Central Zhaoping Fault,Eastern Shandong Province

  • Weiqing SUN ,
  • Shen LIU ,
  • Caixia FENG ,
  • Yan FAN ,
  • Yongchang LIU
  • 1. Shandong Institute of Geology Sciences,Key Laboratory of Gold Mineralization Process and Resources Utilization,Ministry of Land and Resources,Key Laboratory of Metal Mineralization Geological Processes and Resources Utilization in Shandong Province,Jinan 250013,Shandong,China
    2. Department of Geology,Northwest University,Xi’an 710069,Shaanxi,China
    3. Shandong Zhengyuan Geological Exploration Institute,General Administration of Metallurgical Geology of China,Yantai 264000,Shandong,China

Received date: 2019-01-02

  Revised date: 2019-03-21

  Online published: 2019-07-10


As one of the famous gold-enriched areas in China,a large number of super-large,large and medium-sized gold deposits have been discovered in Jiaodong Peninsula.Some research had been carried out on the formation mechanism,metallogenic epoch,material source,division of regional metallogenic belt and the temporal-spatial relationship between main geological bodies and gold mineralization in Jiaodong Peninsula.But there is still a lack of detailed understanding of the tectonic ore-controlling conditions,distribution regularities and occurrence regularities of gold deposits in this area.In this study,the regional geological characteristics,the geological characteristics of gold deposits and the ore-controlling characteristics of faulted structures and the metallogenic regularity of gold deposits are discussed,which will provide a reasonable explanation for the above-mentioned scientific problems,and hopefully provide a possible guidance for later prospecting.The middle section of Zhaoping Fault is an important gold metallogenic belt in Jiaodong Peninsula.The following typical gold deposits have attracted possible concerns:(1)Xiadian super large gold deposit and Dayingezhuang super large gold deposit;(2)Jiangjiayao,Caojiawa and Jiaogezhuang medium and small gold deposits.Nevertheless,the structural ore-controlling conditions,distribution regularity and ore body occurrence regularity of various gold deposits distributed in the middle part of the fault zone are still the main problems to be solved urgently.Based on the analysis and summary of the geological characteristics,gold deposit geological characteristicsBased on the analysis and summary of the geological characteristics,gold deposit geological characteristics,structural ore-controlling characteristics and gold metallogenic regularity of Xiadian large-scale gold deposit,Dayingezhuang super large scale gold deposit and Jiaogzhuang small-sized gold deposit,the following results and understandings are obtained.Dayingezhuang super large gold deposit is mainly controlled by Zhaoping main fault.Xiadian super large gold deposit is mainly controlled by main ore-controlling faults associated with lower wall,derived low-grade and low-order faults.Xiadian Beiqu orebody is controlled by local tensional micro-fracture zone of rock mass in lower wall of main fault.The Dayingezhuang,Xiadian and Jiaogezhuang gold deposits in the middle section of Zhaoping Fault zone are approximately isometric.The intersection of nearly EW-trending faults and Zhaoping Faults is favorable for mineralization.The bend or intersection of faults is the main ore-hosting part.

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Weiqing SUN , Shen LIU , Caixia FENG , Yan FAN , Yongchang LIU . Research on Ore-Control Conditions and Metallogenic Law of Gold Deposits in Central Zhaoping Fault,Eastern Shandong Province[J]. Gold Science and Technology, 2019 , 27(3) : 315 -327 . DOI: 10.11872/j.issn.1005-2518.2019.03.315


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